On this page:
- Annual reports
- Corporate plans
- Service Charter
- Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent
- Reconciliation Action Plan
- Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
- Procedures for determining breaches of the Code of Conduct
- Child Safe Framework compliance
- Memorandums of understanding
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy
- Employee Census
- AI transparency statement
- Risk and Audit Committee Charter
- Public interest certificates
- Gifts and benefits register
- Glossary
On this page, you can find our current corporate documents. You can also download archived documents.
Annual reports
Annual Report 2023-24 (PDF, 4.57MB)*
*11 November 2024: Updated 2023-24 Annual Report published - table 14 (pg 157) and table 15 (pg 158).
Annual Report 2022–23 (PDF, 3.11 MB) and accessible Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2021–22 (PDF, 2.99 MB) and accessible Annual Report 2021-22
Annual Report 2020–21 (PDF, 6.22 MB) and accessible Annual Report 2020–21
Annual Report 2019–20 (PDF, 8.44 MB) and accessible Annual Report 2019–20
Annual Report 2018–19 (PDF, 4.67 MB) and accessible Annual Report 2018–19
The Annual Report 2019–20 had incorrect financial statements on page 99 and pages 159–200. New pages with the correct information are available for page 99 (PDF, 93.45 KB) and pages 159–200 (PDF, 857.77 KB).
Corporate plans
Corporate Plan 2024-25 (PDF, 1.87 MB) - Updated November 2024
Corporate Plan 2023–24 (PDF, 1.27 MB)
Corporate Plan 2022–23 (PDF, 1.27 MB)
Corporate Plan 2021–2022 (PDF, 2.46 MB) and Corporate Plan 2021–2022 (MS Word, 2.46 MB)
Corporate Plan 2020–21 (PDF, 1.84 MB)
Corporate Plan 2019–20 (PDF, 1.04 MB)
Corporate Plan January to June 2019 (PDF, 1.82 MB)
Service Charter
An overview of our commitment to you and what to do if you are not satisfied.
View our Service Charter webpage or download PDF version
Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent
On 25 September 2024, we received a Statement of Expectations (PDF, 251 KB) from the Australian Government.
The document says:
- what the government expects from us
- how we should manage our relationship with the government
- how we should treat people receiving aged care.
It also covers transparency and accountability.
Statement of Intent
We released a Statement of Intent (PDF, 597 KB) in response to the Statement of Expectations.
Reconciliation Action Plan
We’re advancing reconciliation through our Reconciliation Action Plan 2023–25 (PDF, 1.29 MB).
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
The Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024-25 supports us to embrace the diversity of our employees, and the wider community we serve.
Procedures for determining breaches of the Code of Conduct
These Procedures are established under subsection 15(3) of the Public Service Act 1999 and apply in determining whether a current or former employee of the Commission has breached the APS Code of Conduct.
Procedures for determining breaches of the Code of Conduct
Child Safe Framework compliance
Read our Annual Statement of Compliance with the Child Safe Framework for 2023–24.
Memorandums of understanding
Commission and the Department of Health and Aged Care
An updated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the Department of Health and Aged Care was signed on 5 July 2024. This new agreement supports both agencies in achieving our shared goal of protecting and enhancing the safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life of older people accessing aged care. The updated MoU was a recommendation of the Independent Capability Review of the Commission, and it replaces the previous agreement from 2019.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) describes how the Commission and the Department of Health and Aged Care will share information with each other and make decisions on an ongoing basis.
Download the MoU between the Commission and the Department of Health and Aged Care July 2024 (PDF, 239.46 KB)
Commission and the Office of the Inspector General of Aged Care
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been developed between the Commission and the Office of the Inspector General of Aged Care as a commitment by both agencies to continue to consult and cooperate with each other while carrying out their respective statutory roles and obligations.
The MoU documents how the Commission and the Office of the Inspector General of Aged Care will share information with each other on an ongoing and regular basis. It also outlines considerations that must be given to data breaches, third party complaints, subpoenas and court orders, and dispute resolutions and notices.
This MoU will assist the Inspector General of Aged Care to determine if the Commission is meeting its legislative requirements, the progress of recommendations from the Royal Commission and the Commission’s ability to effectively handle consumer complaints.
Download the MoU between the Commission and the Office of the Inspector General of Aged Care
Commission and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Better sharing of information to keep people receiving aged care safe is behind the new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Aged Care and Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC).
Information indicating an aged care or health service consumer or the broader community may be at significant risk of harm as a result of a regulated person’s health, performance and/or conduct are among the types of information that will be shared.
With Ahpra registering and regulating a significant amount of registered health practitioners who work across the aged care facilities regulated by ACQSC, the MOU was a natural extension of their respective work.
Download the MoU between the Commission and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (PDF, 515 KB)
Commission and NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
This MoU documents the shared operational understandings and agreed protocols of the parties with respect to the exchange of information in the course of exercising their functions and powers under applicable legislation.
Download the MoU between the Commission and the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (PDF, 370.15 KB)
Commission and the Older Persons Advocacy Network
This MoU describes the way the Commission and the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) will engage with each other and share information to assist both organisations to carry out their functions and support consumers to raise concerns about their care.
Download the MoU between the Commission and OPAN (PDF, 6.86 MB)
Commission and the Queensland Health Ombudsman
This MoU documents the shared operational understandings and agreed protocols of the parties with respect to the exchange of information in the course of exercising their functions and powers under applicable legislation. The MoU also outlines the respective roles and responsibilities of, and the relationship between, the Parties in relation to:
- Information disclosure relevant to the responsibilities of each party;
- Referrals of information relevant to the responsibilities of each party;
- The administrative arrangements for the Parties to communicate with each other in respect of information disclosure;
- Protocols to apply when a Party is compelled by law to disclose the other party's information to a third party (eg. in response to a subpoena);
- The governance arrangements in respect of this MoU.
Download the MoU between the Commission and the Queensland Health Ombudsman (to include the Office of the Health Ombudsman) (PDF, 288.71 KB)
Commission and Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority
An Exchange of Letters between the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA) and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) commenced on 22 September 2023.
The Exchange of Letters outlines the arrangements in place to support coordination, cooperation and information sharing between IHACPA and ACQSC for the purpose of undertaking their legislated responsibilities.
Compliance and Enforcement Policy
Most providers voluntarily follow and most exceed their responsibilities. Providers need to know that those who don’t will be held accountable.
We will be transparent about our regulatory intent and our approach to compliance and enforcement.
We provide accessible, consistent and transparent reporting on enforcement strategies and activities.
As a regulator, we base our decisions on the best response to non-compliance for the level of risk faced by older Australians.
The Compliance and Enforcement Policy (14 July 2021) (PDF, 1.01 MB) ensures that aged care providers fulfil their responsibilities under:
- the Aged Care Act 1997
- the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018
- the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018
- their funding agreements with the Australian Government.
Our compliance actions:
- prompt providers to follow responsibilities
- improve compliance with the law
- deter misconduct
- ensure appropriate consequences for grave misconduct.
Our compliance and enforcement actions are there to protect people receiving aged care.
They build confidence that non-compliance will be addressed and play a crucial role in developing trust.
Employee Census
The APS Employee Census collects confidential opinions from Australian Public Service (APS) workers. The Census covers important workforce issues such as:
- job satisfaction
- employee engagement
- performance management
- leadership
- general impressions of the APS.
The results help us identify areas of strong performance and opportunities for development. They also track our progress on key organisational strategies and initiatives.
2023 Census Highlights Report and accessible 2023 Census Highlights Report
AI transparency statement
This AI transparency statement outlines the Commission’s approach to AI adoption
Risk and Audit Committee Charter
The Risk and Audit Committee Charter describes the functions of the Commission’s Risk and Audit Committee.
Public interest certificates
We issue these certificates under section 22 (1) of the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018:
Public interest certificate – request for tender for reaccreditation audit services (2 September 2021) (PDF, 179.85 KB)
Public interest certificate – request for tender for reaccreditation audit services (2 May 2021) (PDF, 41.39 KB)
Gifts and benefits register
This register presents reports of gifts given to our officers that are over $100.
Our glossary of common terms aids understanding of the aged care services sector. Note that the glossary isn't exhaustive and is only provided for general information.