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Enriching life through care

Hearing about and understanding the challenges that aged care providers face is critical to the Commission’s work. It helps us in tailoring our communication products and supports to address identified areas of concern.

To hear from providers, the Commission held the Enriching life through care roundtable program in 2022. More than 320 representatives from a diverse range of residential, in-home and community aged care service providers generously shared their views and experiences.

The roundtables gave us an opportunity to hear firsthand from providers. We heard how they are responding to the expectations of older Australians who would like a different and better aged care experience. Providers also gave us an insight into their experience of engaging with us.

Transcript for 'Enriching Life Through Care: Learnings and actions from the national roundtable program'

In this video, Assistant Commissioner Lisa Peterson PSM shares some of our learnings and observations. The video addresses:

  • Connecting with the Commission and sharing good practice
  • Building capability through communication and education
  • Re-accreditation audits for residential aged care and quality audits for home services
  • Reflecting on how we understand sector performance.

We encourage providers to share their experience of best practice. This can be done through our Consultation and Engagement Hub.

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