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Displaying 1 to 20 of 521 result(s)
Publication date

This checklist will help registered providers and aged care workers understand best practice for complaints handling. It highlights the activities and systems required to support your complaints handling process and the resources available.

Complaints handling checklist  (PDF  380.19 KB)
Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

This brochure introduces the Commission’s online learning platform, Alis. It gives an overview of Alis content, its key benefits and details how providers and their staff can register for Alis.

Publication date

The introduction of the new Aged Care Act on 1 July 2025 means changes to the regulatory activities the Commission undertakes, requiring new charging arrangements. This Cost Recovery Consultation Paper provides information on we propose to implement cost recovery charging for provider registration, renewal of registration and provider-initiated variations to registration.

Cost Recovery Consultation Paper  (PDF  641.11 KB)
Publication date

The introduction of the new Aged Care Act on 1 July 2025 means changes to the regulatory activities the Commission undertakes, requiring new charging arrangements.

This guide answers frequently asked questions relating to our Cost Recovery Consultation Paper. It should be read alongside the full Consultation Paper.

Publication date

We’ve developed a tailorable poster for you to edit with your own local details, and print and display at community notice boards or waiting areas.

Publication date

If you’re thinking about accessing aged care services for you or your family, this guide will help you talk to family, friends and community about aged care and your rights. 

Publication date

The storyboards use pictures to explain aged care, your rights and what to do if your rights aren’t being met.

Story board,
Publication date

The storyboards use pictures to explain aged care, your rights and what to do if your rights aren’t being met.

Story board,
Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for aged care providers and workers. You can print these out and display them around your workplace.

Publication date

These workplace standards posters demonstrate the strengthened Standards and what they mean for workers in residential aged care. You can print these out and display them around your workplace. 

Publication date

This visual scenario and supporting user guide has been designed to support aged care workers with information about eating and drinking with acknowledged risk (EDAR). It explains the best practice and practical strategies that providers should use when implementing EDAR in their service.

Story board,
Publication date

Under the new Aged Care Act, all providers delivering Australian Government-funded aged care services will need to be registered by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.  

Our Provider Registration Policy explains our process and principles for registering providers of Australian Government-funded aged care services. The policy includes information on:  

Provider Registration Policy  (PDF  539.68 KB)
Publication date

This flyer includes information on the Commission’s resources on food, nutrition and dining. We encourage providers to print and hand it out to their staff and make copies available at their workplace. 

Fact sheet,
Publication date

We visit aged care services as part of our role as the national regulator. Visits are an opportunity for us to work with providers to make sure older people are getting the best care possible.

This flyer explains what you can expect when we visit, including:

  • what happens we when visit
  • what you can expect from us
  • what can you do to ensure a successful visit.
What to expect when we visit  (PDF  225.31 KB)
Fact sheet,