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COVID-19 is a health risk for older people. Because of this, the government has applied new restrictions to protect consumers in residential facilities and home care services.
The restrictions include guidance on when people shouldn't visit residential aged care services - for example, if you've been overseas in the previous two weeks - as well as precautions to take if you are visiting services. You can read the advice on the Department of Health's website.
Industry code for visiting residential aged care homes during COVID-19
The Industry code for visiting residential aged care homes during COVID-19 was updated by consumers and aged care peak bodies on 6 August 2021.
Visit the COTA Australia website to view the code.
Supporting safe, quality care for aged care consumers during visitor restrictions
The Commission has learned through the COVID-19 pandemic the negative impact of visitor restrictions on residents in aged care facilities and the necessity of taking individual circumstances into account when managing COVID-19 related risks. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that there a three major harms to the elderly when isolated from loved ones:
- malnutrition and weight loss
- physical deconditioning including reduced mobility, increased falls, pressure injury
- psychosocial impacts including loneliness, anxiety, boredom, fear, depression.
Outbreak management planning in aged care
Managing the impacts of visitor restrictions and ensuring that residents are not adversely affected by isolation is critical. The Outbreak management planning in aged care provides practical guidance to support COVID-19 outbreak management planning and preparation in residential aged care facilities, including the management of visitor restrictions.
Examples of innovation
Learn more about some of the innovations that providers have submitted.
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