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Support tool

Welcome to the SIRS decision support tool. This tool can be used by both residential aged care providers and home services providers.

You will be asked a series of questions about an incident to help you decide whether it must be reported to the Commission.

You must consider incidents that have occurred, are alleged to have occurred, or suspected to have occurred.

For detailed information about providers’ SIRS responsibilities, including identifying the range of incidents which must be reported to the Commission, refer to:

To access further information about the SIRS including the Commission’s guidance materials, visit our dedicated SIRS provider resources page.


The information contained in the SIRS decision support tool is intended to provide you with general guidance to help you decide whether an incident should be notified to the Commission. However, it is your responsibility to make your own assessment about the notification of a reportable incident and to be aware of your legislative requirements. The SIRS decision support tool is not intended to be and should not be regarded as legal advice. You should seek legal advice or other professional advice, if appropriate. 

Every effort is made by the Commission to ensure that the information in the SIRS decision support tool is accurate and up to date. However, the Commission does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the information provided.

Please select your service type

Residential care (or flexible care delivered in a residential aged care setting)

Home services (aged care delivered in home and community settings)

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