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National Aged Care Provider Conference 2025


NACPC banner conference

We are hosting this key national event aimed at engaging with aged care providers as, together, we navigate the changes to rights and regulation in aged care under the new Aged Care Act. 

To achieve the best outcome for older Australians, the conference program and networking dinner will explore the changing landscape of rights-based aged care. 

You’ll hear from our new Commissioner Liz Hefren-Webb, the Complaints Commissioner, Department of Health and Aged Care, Commission representatives, older people, and providers from across the sector. 

The event will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and the 2-day conference includes an exhibition, networking opportunities and a conference dinner. 

You can view the preliminary program here.

Registration is now open!

Free registration is open to providers of residential care, home care, Commonwealth Home Support Programme services, and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program services. 

The conference program will include parallel sessions for providers of: 

  • Residential care 
  • In-home and community personal and social care 
  • Nursing and complex care management. 

The number of in-person attendees is capped at 1,000, with providers limited to 2 representatives. We encourage you to discuss and identify your two representatives now to avoid disappointment!

Additional representatives will be able to register for virtual participation. Registrations for virtual attendance will open once our in-person capacity is reached.

Register today

The Commission will confirm your registration by email.

Conference dinner

A ticketed conference dinner will be held on Tuesday 29 July, offering the opportunity to network with colleagues, enjoy great food and hear from a special keynote speaker.   

The dinner is $163.00 per head. Tickets can be paid for at the time of registration.  

We encourage you to book your ticket when you register for the conference to avoid disappointment! Dinner tickets cannot be purchased on the day.

For further information email:

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