On this page:
This guide helps you to know what you must notify us about, what to include in your responses and what approved form to use.
We use plain English to help you to understand the process and to explain legislative concepts where we can. You can contact us at APnotifications@agedcarequality.gov.au if you need us to explain why we have asked for certain information and what we use the information for.
We use 3 terms for key personnel:
- key personnel – a collective term used when referring to all people in your organisation who have a position that involves executive decision making, or for people with significant influence over how your organisation is run
- provider key personnel – people responsible for running your organisation
- service key personnel – people responsible for running your service.
If you have people who do both, each position is handled separately because they are recorded differently in the Government Provider Management System.
Completing an Approved Provider Notification
Approved Provider Notification forms are used to notify us of all material changes and provider key personnel changes. The form is located on the Government Provider Management System (GPMS), under the Manage Your Organisation tile.
The digital form has been developed so that the information you provide does not need to be manually verified.
The form uses mandatory fields and error messages so you know what fields must be completed. It also allows you to upload documents and to check its status once it has been submitted.
For further guidance on notifying us of material changes, go to Changes that materially affect suitability (organisational changes). For further guidance on notifying us of key personnel changes or events, go to Key personnel changes.
For help using GPMS, visit the Department of Health and Aged Care’s (department) website.
For GPMS technical or access issues, contact the department’s My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799, Monday to Friday (8am to 8pm) and Saturday (10am to 2pm) local time across Australia.
Future enhancements
The digital Approved Provider Notification form can’t be used to update, cease or advise of service key personnel suitability matters.
To make changes to service key personnel, download and complete the Approved Provider Service Key Personnel Notification form on our website. Submit to APnotifications@agedcare.gov.au.
The digital form will soon be enhanced to allow all key personnel changes to be made in one form.
You can use the digital form to tell us about new key personnel located at one or more of your services.
Using the digital form
This guidance isn’t a substitute for the GPMS – User Guide: Approved Provider Notifications. The user guide, developed by the department, helps you to complete a digital notification form on GPMS.
The digital form has mandatory fields that you must complete. You won’t be able to move on to the next field if you don’t fill in the mandatory information.
Before you submit the form, check that:
- all your responses are accurate
- you’ve uploaded all the required documents
- the documents you’ve uploaded support the information you’ve included in the form
- the spelling of names and dates of birth are correct
- all the statements and explanations you’ve given about a notifiable change or event are detailed and accurate. And they clearly show why the change or event happened.
We do a risk assessment for each notification form providers submit. This helps us to identify whether the notified change could risk the safety, health and quality of life of people receiving care.
There will be delays if the information you submit isn’t complete or doesn’t allow us to do a risk assessment.
Tracking a notification
You can see the status of your submitted forms on the Manage Your Organisation page on GPMS.
If we need to, we will contact you about notification forms outside of GPMS, by email or telephone.
Uploading documents
Your supporting documents must be accurately named before you upload them. This helps make sure that the right document is reviewed against the right response.
For example, if you’re uploading your company constitution to support a change to your organisation’s structure, include your provider name in the title: ‘ABC Aged Care Company Constitution 2022–2024’.
If the document is for a key personnel change, include their name and GPMS contact record number in the title: ‘James Smith Director of Nursing CON-2334’.
Completing an Approved Provider Service Key Personnel Notification
Use the Approved Provider Service Key Personnel Notification form (service key personnel form) to notify us about updates to, cessation of, and changes to the suitability of service key personnel. Not all service key personnel information in GPMS needs to be updated when a small change happens (such as phone numbers and email address).
As you may have different needs depending on the type of update you want to make, the form caters for all circumstances. It allows you to update all fields or specific information only. We will accept forms containing blank fields to mean that the information doesn’t need to be updated.
But there are some fields that can’t be left blank. These include:
- GPMS Provider ID
- GPMS Contact ID
- GPMS Service ID
- the first and last name of the service key personnel and their date of birth
- all fields in the cessation section
- all fields in the suitability section.
We will use this information to make sure we’re updating the correct record. If you don’t include the information, processing the notification will be delayed.
Make sure that all submitted documentation supports the information you include in the form.
Approved provider organisation’s details
You must enter your organisation details in the service key personnel form so that we update the correct record.
Use GPMS to help you to find the right information. You can copy and paste information from GPMS to the service key personnel form. If this information is missing, the notification can’t be processed.
Privacy and Notice of collection
The first page of the form lists the legislation under which approved providers have an obligation to notify the Commission of specific matters (s9-1 and s9-2A of the Aged Care Act 1997).
You also need to tell your key personnel what personal information you’re including about them in the notification form.
You can read the Commission’s Notice of collection and Privacy policy on our website.
Authorised representative
In this section of the form, you need to tell us who to contact if we need more information. This person needs to be able to answer our questions.
If you’re notifying us about key personnel changes or events, the key personnel that this notification is about must authorise this person to handle their personal information. If we need to contact you, this person must have permission to answer questions about the key personnel.