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Barbecues are a summer tradition for many people. They offer tasty food and a social dining experience. However, for older people who have difficulty and require texture-modified foods, planning a safe and enjoyable barbecue requires extra care.

Charred edges, crusts and thick fat might create a great barbecue flavour for some, but they often create food textures that are difficult to eat. Many barbecues serve meats and sides, like sausages, bread and coleslaw. When , these foods may not be safe for people on texture-modified diets. However, with the right preparation and creativity, many aged care services are showing us that it is possible to have a barbecue that everyone can enjoy.

Here are some important considerations for a safe summer barbecue:

  • Get advice from a speech pathologist. It’s important to understand what type of texture-modified food a person needs. Some people may need foods to be pureed, while others may need soft and bite-sized or minced and moist options. A speech pathologist can recommend ways to appropriately modify foods, suggest safe alternatives for classic barbecue dishes, and help services make sure they are modifying foods correctly.
  • Make sure staff who prepare and provide food at barbecues have received education and training in eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, and how to correctly prepare and provide safe and enjoyable texture-modified foods.
  • When choosing meats that are easiest to modify, consider tender cuts and softer white meat options, such as fish fillets.
  • Marinating provides extra flavour and helps keep moisture in meat to make it easier to modify and chew.
  • Make sure you have a range of sauces and gravies on offer to add extra moisture to barbecue meals and support modifying meats and sides.
  • When considering vegetarian, meat-free options for barbecuing discuss suitable alternatives with a dietitian.
  • Having a quality food processor or blender can help you achieve appropriate textures for meats, vegetables and even sauces. Make sure you have the right equipment to modify foods correctly and that staff are aware and well informed of the needs of the people they’re serving.

For more information and advice on how to make sure foods and drinks are safe for people on texture-modified diets:

Commission resources:

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