On this page:
Complaints and feedback give providers valuable insights into the issues that concern people receiving aged care and those who complain on their behalf. They are an opportunity to engage and improve, and a good complaints process is essential for all aged care services.
The Commission has an important role to play in helping to resolve concerns raised by people receiving aged care. We analyse the complaints we receive to help us understand people’s experience of care, and to inform our education and regulatory activities.
The reports on this page give providers key insights into complaints about aged care services.
Complaints about aged care services – Year in review (July 2023-June 2024).
The Complaints about aged care services – Year in review (July 2023-June 2024) report explores the complaints we have received about aged care providers in 2023-24.
In this report, we draw attention to clear patterns and trends in the complaints made about residential care and home services respectively.
The report also covers:
- information for people receiving care and the importance of sharing your concerns
- information for providers and how to ensure your complaints management process is meaningful and effective
- the Commission’s complaint handling performance.
Download the Complaints about aged care services – Year in review (July 2023-June 2024).
Complaints about aged care services – Insights for providers report 2023
The ‘Complaints about aged care services – Insights for providers report - 2023’ report uses data, case studies and guided questions to identify learnings about good complaint handling that can be applied by aged care providers in their services.
The report also includes questions for boards and senior leadership to help guide complaints handling in their organisation.
The report addresses complaints across both residential aged care and home services.
Download the Complaints about aged care services – Insights for providers report – 2023.
Complaints about aged care home services – Insights for people receiving care (July-December 2023)
The ‘Complaints about aged care home services – Insights for people receiving care’ report - July to December 2023 provides an overview of complaints relating to home services, our role, your rights and what to expect. The report also covers how to get help and raise concerns, as well as how we resolve complaints.
We have used case studies to demonstrate this and to highlight the positive results we have achieved for people receiving care.
Download the Complaints about aged care home services – Insights for people receiving care report – July to December 2023.