We are seeking feedback on the proposed new charging arrangements for providers who wish to register, renew or vary their registration so that we can provide advice to Government.
Consultation closes at 12pm on 1 April 2025.
Consultation on the proposed new charging arrangements
The introduction of the new Aged Care Act (new Act) on 1 July 2025 means changes to the regulatory activities we undertake, requiring new charging arrangements.
We currently charge fees to assess applications for new aged care providers and for accrediting and auditing residential aged care services.
To support advice to Government we have suggested the activities and fees that might be charged for under the new Act. We are now seeking your views on these proposed arrangements.
Consultation information
These proposed charging arrangements have been described in a Consultation Paper that covers:
- the activities we currently charge for
- details on the activities that are proposed to be charged for:
- becoming a registered provider and renewing or varying a provider registration
- proposed fees and how we calculated them
- proposed fee waivers and who would be eligible for them
- financial estimates for our costs and revenue relating to the activities proposed for cost recovery
- estimated volumes of the activities we are proposing to charge for.
Cost Recovery
Cost Recovery involves government agencies charging non-government organisations some or all the costs of a specific government activity. This may include providing goods, services or regulation, or a combination of these. This approach is outlined and authorised in the Australian Government’s overarching Cost Recovery Policy and Charging Framework.
We currently recover costs by charging fees to assess some applicants to become registered aged care providers. We also charge fees to audit residential aged care homes.
Our proposed new cost recovery arrangements aim to be fair and robust. Our proposed fee waivers are intended to support providers to enter, operate and remain in the market.
Provide feedback
We welcome responses from providers, aged care workers, older people and their representatives, or anyone with an interest in the aged care sector. Your feedback will be used to understand the impact of the proposed new fees and help shape advice to Government on the fees and waivers that will apply to Commission activity from 1 July 2025.
Consultation is open from 5 March to 1 April 2025.
Before submitting your feedback, please download and read:
- the Cost Recovery Consultation Paper and
- our Guide covering the key information and changes.
You can provide feedback via the Feedback Form and/or via email:
Written submissions can be emailed to CR.consultation@agedcarequality.gov.au
Following the consultation period, we will:
- review all feedback
- publish a public response
- provide updates on the changes we make as a result of your feedback.
If you have read the Consultation Paper and Guide and still have questions, please call us on 1800 951 822 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
Consultation documents
More information
- View the current Cost Recovery Implementation Statement for accreditation services 2024-25
- View the current Cost Recovery Implementation Statement – applications for aged care approved provider status 2024-25
- View the Australian Government Cost Recovery Policy and Australian Government Charging Framework
- View the new Registration categories
- Read our Provider Registration Policy