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Flexible care provides a different approach to mainstream residential and home services. It acknowledges that some people may need a different care approach to best meet their needs.
Flexible care includes the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFAC), the Short Term Restorative Care Programme (STRC) and the Transition Care Programme (TCP).
We assess and monitor flexible care services in accordance with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Rules 2018.
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program
This program funds organisations to provide culturally appropriate care for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It allows people to be cared for close to home and community, with a flexible mix of:
- residential care
- day care
- respite care
- community-based aged care.
Monitoring quality
We review each NATSIFAC service at least once every two years. The process involves:
Read the NATSIFAC Quality Review Guidelines to learn more about the review process.
Short Term Restorative Care Program
STRC provides early interventions. These aim to reverse or slow functional decline in older people and improve their wellbeing.
STRC is part of an end-to-end care system. It offers older people different care options as their needs change.
Other specialised programs in this system include:
- the Commonwealth Home Support Programme
- the Home Care Packages Program.
How it works
STRC provides a range of care and services for up to 8 weeks. This helps prevent or reduce difficulties older people may have with everyday tasks. It aims to improve wellbeing and return to independence so they can continue living in their own home.
These can be delivered in:
- a home care setting
- a residential care setting
- a combination of both.
People receiving aged care can access STRC up to twice every 12 months. More information about STRC is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care's website.
Monitoring quality
We review STRC services according to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Rules 2018.
STRC in home care
If a home service and a flexible care service through which STRC is provided in a home care setting have the same provider, we may conduct the quality review of both services simultaneously. The results of the quality review may be applied to both services.
STRC providers in a home setting can learn more about the quality review process on our Home services page.
STRC in residential care
STRC providers in an accredited residential care setting must be accredited in accordance with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Rules 2018.
Learn more about the accreditation process.
STRC Programme Manual
The Department of Health and Aged Care developed the STRC Programme Manual. It's a resource to help STRC providers understand the policy context and operational requirements of STRC in a home or residential care setting.
Transition Care Programme
TCP provides short-term restorative care for older people to help them recover after a hospital stay. This helps older people to:
- remain independent in their homes
- delay their entry into an aged care home for as long as possible
- avoid the need for long-term care.
How it works
TCP provides up to 12 weeks of transition care. This helps older people to fully recover after a hospital stay, regain functionality or mobility and finalise ongoing care arrangements.
TCP can be delivered in:
- a home care setting
- a residential care setting
- a combination of both.
More information about TCP is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care’s website.
Monitoring quality
We monitor TCP services according to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 and Aged Care Quality and Safety Rules 2018.
TCP Programme Guidelines
The Department of Health and Aged Care developed the TCP Guidelines It's a resource to help TCP providers understand the policy context and operational requirements of TCP in a home or residential care setting.