On this page:
Your right to privacy
You have a right to have your personal information kept private. We follow the privacy and ‘protected information’ requirements in aged care and privacy laws. This page summarises how we protect your privacy. For more information, see our privacy notices and privacy policy.
How privacy affects you
We are bound by strict privacy and ‘protected information’ laws that limit when and how we collect and use personal information, and when we can release it to people or organisations outside of the Commission. These laws are contained in the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act 2018 and the Privacy Act 1988 (the Privacy Act).
What is privacy
The Privacy Act contains 13 Australian Privacy Principles. These regulate the way we collect, store, provide access to, use and disclose personal information.
The Privacy Act gives you rights, including:
- being told generally what kind of information we are collecting and how we collect it
- being told generally why your personal information is being collected
- your personal information only being collected for a lawful purpose
- finding out what information we hold about you and having it corrected in certain circumstances
- having your personal information stored securely and protected from interference or misuse.
Why we collect your personal information
When we collect your personal information it must be directly related to, or reasonably necessary for, one or more of our functions or activities.
The laws we operate under give us the authority to collect your personal information.
In addition to collecting your personal information from you, we may also collect it from other people or organisations, including people receiving aged care services and their representatives, providers of aged care services, and external organisations like health and professional standards bodies.
Any personal information we get from a third party is treated the same as if you provided it.
Use of information
Your personal information will be used in accordance with the Privacy Act. It will be used for the purpose it was collected for.
We may also use your personal information for another purpose if:
- it's authorised or required by law
- you've consented to the use
- the use meets one of the other exceptions in the Australian Privacy Principles.
At the time your personal information is collected, you'll usually be advised of its intended use.
When we share your information
Your personal information will only be disclosed to another person, body or agency if:
- you give us permission; or
- it's authorised or required by law; or
- it meets one of the other exceptions in the Australian Privacy Principles.
From time to time it may be necessary to disclose your personal information to third parties. The circumstances surrounding why, who and when your information may be disclosed are outlined in our collection notices and privacy policy.
Our privacy notices
These privacy notices outline how we'll manage your personal information in connection with:
Our exercise of the Commissioner’s functions
Dealing with complaints about aged care providers
The Code of Conduct for Aged Care
Our privacy policy
Our privacy policy contains detailed information about when we collect personal information, how we use and disclose personal information, and the steps we take to keep it safe. It lists the Privacy Impact Assessments we have done to make sure we build privacy into the design of any new activities
If you have questions or concerns about how we handle personal information, you can read our privacy policy, call us on 1800 951 822, contact us via our website or email us.
You can read more about privacy, on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (OAIC) website.
Our website privacy statement
Our Website Privacy Statement describes the types of information collected by this website, how the information is used, and when and to whom the information may be disclosed.