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Commonwealth Child Safe Framework

2023-24 Statement of Compliance

This statement outlines the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s (Commission) commitment to child safety and compliance with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework (the Framework) in the 2023-24 financial year.

The Commission is committed to the implementation of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (National Principles), to keeping children and young people safe, and to promoting and maintaining a culture that does not permit or tolerate child abuse, neglect or exploitation.

The Commission addresses the National Principles through a variety of mechanisms and processes including our risk assessments, training and compliance and through the terms and conditions of our delegations and procurements.

The Commission has undertaken an annual risk assessment in accordance with the requirements of the Framework. Through the risk assessment, the Commission has considered whether any of its activities involve contact with children and young people and whether there are any other identifiable child safety risks. The overall risk rating is low with Commission activities rarely involving direct or indirect interaction with children or young people.

The Commission has a number of controls in place to enhance the protection of children and young people during any interactions with Commission staff. This includes:

  • All Commission staff undergo pre-employment screening on commencement with the Commission which includes a Nationally Coordinated Police Check. For regulatory roles that visit sites, police checks are completed every two years.
  • All Commission staff are required to regularly engage in mandatory training across a range of relevant topics including, risk management, integrity, the duties of officials and the APS Values and Code of Conduct.
  • All Commission staff are required to adhere to Commission policies and procedures regarding on-site visits and the APS Code of Conduct. Further, the Commission’s People Strategy 2024-26 articulates a desired organisational culture that is based around the APS Values, which includes ethical and respectful behaviour.

Overall, the Commission’s procurement activities represent a low risk to child safety concerns based on the Commission’s supply chain and the use of Whole of Australian Government established panels and or co-ordinated procurements. Commission procurement is largely based on provision of site audit services, for government outcomes under the Aged Care Act 1997, and general corporate services required for running a government entity within Australian borders.

Going forward, the Commission will continue to pursue opportunities to further imbed the National Principles and enhance child safety initiatives.

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