This artwork was created by Chern'ee Sutton - proud Aboriginal artist and Kalkadoon woman from the emu foot province around the Mount Isa area in North West Queensland. Find out more about the artwork here.
Information and resources to help you to provide good, culturally safe aged care for First Nations older people. Information and resources on these pages were developed with First Nations stakeholders and communities.
The Commission is committed to making sure quality, culturally appropriate and safe aged care is delivered to First Nations older people.
In 2024, we began working with First Nations stakeholders and communities to develop a dedicated First Nations communications and engagement strategy and new resources to support First Nations providers, workers, older people and their communities. This recognises that there are unique considerations when providing aged care for First Nations people.
For specific information, please click through to our dedicated pages for:
- Providers: Supporting those providing care to First Nations older people
- Older people: Information for those receiving care or their families
- Workers: Resources for those delivering care to First Nations older people
The following organisations have helped develop and inform the resources.
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ageing and Aged Care Council (NATSIAACC)
- National Association Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP)
- National Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- Aged Care Council of Elders
- Institute for Urban Indigenous Health
- Aged Care Workforce Remote Accord
- Roper Gulf Regional Council
- Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
- Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA).
The Commission thanks these organisations for their time, support and input.
Help create new resources
You can contribute to the information we provide about aged care for First Nations people.
Your input supports the Commission in making sure First Nations people are getting quality, culturally appropriate and safe aged care.
If you are interested in being a part of the ongoing First Nations communications project and want to contribute to the development of resources, please contact us on at any time.
About the artwork
We commissioned this artwork in 2024 to help share the journey of how the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission improves the safety, health; wellbeing and quality of life of First Nations people receiving aged care services.
About the artist
Chern’ee Sutton is a proud Kalkadoon woman and Aboriginal artist from the emu foot province around the Mount Isa area in North West Queensland.
First Nations older Australians
First Nations - Visual Storyboard - Aged care and your rights
First Nations - Visual Storyboard - How the Commission can help you
First Nations – Visual Information Sheet - Your rights when accessing aged care
- First Nations - Quality aged care for mob is about family, community and culture
- First Nations – It's your right to speak up. We're here to help
- First Nations – Uncle Billy wants mob to know we can speak up for our rights in aged care
- First Nations – Culturally safe care is your right - and our responsibility
- First Nations – Sharing language is sharing culture
- First Nations – Person-centred care is good aged care
Workers - giving aged care to First Nations older people
First Nations – Community Poster (editable) – Explaining aged care
First Nations – Workplace Poster - Standard 1: The individual
First Nations – Workplace Poster – Standard 6 - Food and nutrition
- Videos:
- First Nations – Person-centred care is good aged care
- First Nations - Quality aged care for mob is about family, community and culture
- First Nations – Sharing language is sharing culture
Providers – providing aged care to First Nations older people
First Nations – Community Poster (editable) – Explaining aged care
First Nations – Workplace Poster - Standard 1: The individual
First Nations – Workplace Poster – Standard 6 - Food and nutrition
- Videos:
- First Nations – Person-centred care is good aged care
- First Nations - Quality aged care for mob is about family, community and culture
- First Nations – Sharing language is sharing culture