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Targeted reviews and audits raise awareness of provider governance and financial and prudential responsibilities. This process helps us identify opportunities to educate and support providers.
Targeted reviews
Targeted reviews focus on a specific issue, or a particular group of providers. They are a process to help us to assess the aged care sector’s understanding of financial and prudential obligations as a whole.
Where we find that a provider is not complying with their obligations, we work with them to fix it.
When we finish a review, we produce an Insights report. Each Insights report shares our findings, including common mistakes and things providers need to consider.
There are 4 steps to the target review process. These steps follow the audit process but may vary based on the topic of review.
Current targeted reviews focus on:
- third party arrangements
- governance
- liquidity management.
Past targeted reviews have focused on:
- Prudential targeted review: Late lodgement of Annual Prudential Compliance Statement (APCS)
- Prudential targeted review: Permitted uses of refundable deposits for reasonable business losses
- Prudential targeted review: Refunding refundable deposits
- Prudential targeted review: Capital expenditure
- Prudential targeted review: Loans and debt repayment
- Prudential targeted review: Making deductions from refundable deposits
- Prudential targeted review: Room price approval and publishing
- Prudential targeted review: Disclosure Standard
We currently do 2 types of audits:
- home care pricing audits
- prudential audits.
Home care pricing audits
Home care pricing audits assesses home care providers’ understanding of pricing requirements. This helps you to meet your home care pricing responsibilities.
Prices must be fair and transparent. Your consumers need to know they are getting quality care and services at market prices. You can find more information on pricing on the Pricing for Home Care Packages page.
For more information on home care pricing audits read the Home care pricing audit factsheet.
Past home care pricing audits have focused on:
Prudential audits
Prudential audits assess residential aged care providers’ understanding of their prudential obligations. They inform us of provider’s refundable deposit practices, policies, and procedures which are assessed against the Prudential Standards.
You can find more information on prudential audits in our Prudential audit factsheet.
If you have any questions about these programs, you can email us at f&p.reviews&audits@agedcarequality.gov.au.