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Charter of Aged Care Rights for providers

All approved providers must follow the Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards). The Standards provide a framework for delivering service quality and safety. 

The Charter of Aged Care Rights (Charter) is a commitment by providers to uphold the Quality Standards. It does this through the rights of people receiving aged care. These rights apply regardless of the type of care and services. 

Provider responsibilities 

Providers must :

  • sign a copy of the Charter and give it to people under their care
  • assist people receiving aged care to understand the Charter
  • ensure people receiving aged care or their representatives have a reasonable opportunity to sign the Charter 
  • keep a record of the signed Charter. 

People receiving aged care aren't required to sign the Charter. Even if they don't, they can continue to receive care and services.

More information

For more on providers and the Charter, see:

The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) also has resources on the Charter.

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