Quality aged care is our shared goal, and your expertise and insights can help to improve how we educate, inform and regulate aged care. This page gives you information on how we can connect.
You can get involved through:
- webinars
- surveys
- interviews
- focus groups
- consultations
- conferences
Cost Recovery consultation
The introduction of the new Aged Care Act (new Act) on 1 July 2025 means changes in the regulatory activities we undertake, requiring new charging arrangements.
We are proposing new cost recovery arrangements for the assessment of applications to become a registered provider, renewal of registration and variations to registration, and for any audits related to the applications.
We invite your feedback on our Cost Recovery Consultation Paper which presents the proposed new fees and how we calculated them.
Consultation closes 12 pm on 1 April 2025.
More information on the Cost Recovery consultation
CALD communications project
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is committed to making sure quality, culturally appropriate and safe aged care is delivered to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) older people. We are currently developing a dedicated CALD communications and engagement strategy to help our CALD communities understand the upcoming changes to aged care and what it means for them. It is important to us that the resources that we develop are meaningful, relevant and accessible for all audiences.
We‘ve recently held co-design workshops to seek feedback from CALD stakeholders on proposed messaging, communications channels, and communications barriers and opportunities. If you’d like to get involved in future workshops or review material, please email agedcarecommunications@agedcarequality.gov.au and indicate whether you are an older person, provider representative or aged care worker.
Aged care providers and workers engagement register
We want to hear from you as we prepare to implement the Aged Care reforms. To do this we have established an informal network of provider representatives and Aged Care workers to work with as we develop processes and resources. Your insights and expertise can influence these processes and resources. We’ve previously invited providers and workers to roundtable discussions about the Strengthened Standards, we asked for feedback as we developed our new website and we’ve tested our education products.
If you are interested in participating, please register your interest. You can participate as a representative of your provider, or as an Aged Care staff member, or as both. There is no minimum commitment, and you can opt out at anytime.
Consumers and Families Panel
We've created this group for people who receive government-funded aged care services. It's also open to people considering these services. The panel is open to carers and family members, too. We want to know what's important to you. This is so we can improve how we regulate aged care and make sure the information we produce is useful and easy to understand.
The panel embraces diversity and welcomes people who:
- live with dementia or disability
- identify as First Nations
- are from multicultural backgrounds
- identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or transgender, intersex or queer
- another sexuality, gender or bodily diverse person.
On the panel, you can share ideas and opinions about:
- new fact sheets, videos or other resources
- how people receiving aged care can interact with us
- issues that we should know about.
Panel members provide input in different ways, depending on their preferences. You might choose to provide feedback by email or phone or take part in online meetings. Participation is voluntary.
We have over 300 panel members. We’ll do our best to invite each panel member to participate in opportunities that are meaningful and relevant.
We understand that you may not be able to participate in some activities. There's no obligation to take part in a certain number, and you can opt out at anytime.
How to join
You can join the panel if you:
- live in residential aged care
- receive aged care at home or in community settings
- are considering aged care in the next 12 months
- are a supporter or family member of someone receiving aged care.
Register online or download our form to send by mail or email. We’ll respond within 14 days.
If you need help applying, please contact us on 1800 951 822 or consumerengagement@agedcarequality.gov.au.
Invite us to attend or speak at your event
The Commission attends community events, sector conferences and seniors expos. We recognise the value in engaging with our stakeholders including older people, the aged care workforce and providers.
If you’d like us to attend an event as an exhibitor or invite a guest speaker or panelist, please complete our request form. We get lots of invitations and do our best to attend as many events as possible.
In March and April, you’ll find us at:
- Ballarat Ageing Well Expo in Ballarat, VIC on Wednesday 26 March 2025
- Positive Ageing Expo in Fremantle, WA on Friday 28 March 2025
- Have a Go Day 2025 in Rockingham, WA on Wednesday 2 April 2025
- Support at Home Summit in Sydney, NSW on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 April 2025.
Submit a case study
Have you seen or delivered a creative solution to a critical challenge in aged care? Sharing best practice helps the aged care sector to improve and deliver high quality care. We'd like to hear about it and be able to share.
Please submit details to engagement@agedcarequality.gov.au.
For regular updates on our work, you can sign up for our:
- Quality Bulletin: a monthly e-newsletter about provider responsibilities and our work
- Webinars: discussions about issues in aged care
- Compliance Management Insights: monthly compliance management information.