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Governing for Reform in Aged Care - Program overview

The Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program commenced in March 2022 in response to gaps identified in governance, leadership and organisational culture identified by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety among approved providers, contributing to quality and safety issues in the provision of aged care.

This innovative Program aims to strengthen the clinical and corporate governance capability of aged care leaders to support reforms and transform the delivery of safe and quality care to older Australians.

The Program is now open to anyone working in the aged care sector who is interested in strengthening their governance and leadership skills.

Transcript for 'Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program overview'

Led by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program is free to all aged care sector staff and governing bodies of approved aged care providers.

The Program provides you with flexible learning pathways and a comprehensive set of practical governance activities and resources. All learning activities and resources are aligned to one or more of the domains in the Program’s Capability Framework:

  • Placing Older Australians at the Centre of Care
  • Obligations and Accountabilities
  • Knowledge, Skills and Experience
  • Leadership and Culture

Learn in your own time and your own way

The Program is designed to be flexible to support your individual learning needs so you can access as many of the learning activities and resources you need, in any order, at a time to suit. You can return to the Program as often as you like; and are welcome to share the Program’s resources with your colleagues.

Learning activities and resources include:

Online learning modules: Self-paced eLearning modules designed to upskill you in governance topic areas using active learning methods such as case studies, self-reflections, audio clips, and reflection questions. The first four core modules each focus on a critical area of governance aligned to the capability framework, with the remaining being discretionary learning modules on specific governance capability domains.

Flip guides: Downloadable guides summarising eLearning module content, which may be referenced at any time.

Topic guides: Reference materials with examples of better practice, to support your governance and leadership capability uplift.

Practical tools: Further practical tools and templates to support your learning that can be downloaded for use in the workplace.

Podcasts: Explore the podcast library to hear from subject matter and industry experts about topics with broad sector appeal, including workforce, technology, leadership, and clinical governance. 

Webinars: Listen in your own time to a range of guest speakers and experts for governance and leadership topic deep dives covering the breadth and diversity of the aged care provider community.

For the Board Kit:  A suite of discussion papers that can be used at board meetings to discuss corporate and clinical governance issues within the aged care sector. The Kit also enables ongoing professional development through activities that governing body members can participate in to strengthen their own knowledge.

Start your learning journey here.

Benefits of participating in the Program

The Program helps to strengthen your understanding of good governance and leadership practices while helping to practically apply your learnings in the workplace. Whilst the Program concepts are primarily aimed at governing bodies and executives, all leaders, emerging leaders and all aged care sector employees who are interested in strengthening their governance and leadership capabilities will find the Program beneficial.

Through participating in the Program and the various learning offerings, you will work towards the following outcomes:

  • Gain an improved knowledge and understanding of aged care governance
  • Gain confidence in your ability to lead cultural change
  • Be inspired by peers and exemplars
  • Establish a network of peers and ongoing mutual accountability
  • Take an experimental approach to improved governance
  • Have clear goals and strategies for continuous improvement.

By engaging in the Program, you can expect to achieve the following goals:

  • Place older Australians at the centre of care: Through improved integrity, trust building, partnering with consumers to deliver their care, and quality and safety management.
  • Recognition and action on obligations and accountabilities: Through improved role clarity and composition, accountability and decision making, risks management and compliance, and executive development.
  • Strengthened aged care acumen: Through improved skills and sector knowledge, stakeholder relationships, strategic information management, and workforce investment.
  • Setting the tone for continuous improvement in consumer outcomes: Through improved vision and strategic direction, leadership, culture, and future focus.

The Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program is free to all aged care sector staff and governing bodies of approved aged care providers.

Explore the Program learning activities and resources here.

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