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Use this discussion guide in consumer advisory body meetings to help start conversations and encourage ideas on important topics.

Meeting discussion guide thumbnail
Publication date

To Dip or Not to Dip (TDONTD) is a quality improvement intervention successfully implemented in UK and Australian aged care homes to improve UTI assessment and antibiotic prescribing appropriateness.

This implementation guide has been drawn from the experiences of homes and champions who have implemented TDONTD, along with feedback from aged care nurses and personal care assistants who have used TDONTD resources.

To dip or not to dip implementation guide thumbnail
Publication date

This quick survey is a reflection tool on urine dipstick practice in your facility.

Is there room for improvement?

take-the-dipstick-test.pdf  (PDF  290.31 KB)
Dipstick test thumbnail
Publication date
To dip or not to dip huddle poster thumbnail
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Last updated

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

This fact sheet is a quick reference guide which gives providers an overview of why there are different registration categories, what this means for them in practice, and how they can support your workers.

Fact sheet,
QRG fact sheet
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Strengthened Quality Standard 1 underpins the way providers and staff should treat older people. It explains how important it is to understand that each older person is unique and has a different life story.

Standard 1: The person  (PDF  540.21 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 1 - The person
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Standard 2: The organisation  (PDF  556.2 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 2 - The organisation
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Strengthened Quality Standard 3 is about the way providers tailor care and services to each person. It's important to understand that the older person has the right to take risks and you need to plan care to support this.

Standard 3: Care and services  (PDF  564.22 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 3 - Care and Services
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Standard 4: The environment  (PDF  540.15 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 4 - The Environment
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Strengthened Quality Standard 5 describes the responsibilities of providers to deliver safe and quality clinical care. Good clinical care improves a person’s quality of life, independence, confidence and their feeling of purpose in daily life.

Standard 5: Clinical care  (PDF  537.96 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 5 - Clinical care
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Standard 6: Food and nutrition  (PDF  530.51 KB)
Fact sheet,
Standard 6 - Food
Publication date

We have released a suite of fact sheets to help providers, aged care workers, and other stakeholders understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and their obligations in meeting them .

The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.

Fact sheet,
Standard 7 - Community
Publication date

Infection prevention and control, also known as IPC, are the steps and processes that people can use to reduce the spread of harmful germs and bacteria. People who visit aged care services can help support IPC processes.

IPC poster thumbnail
Publication date

This resource is designed to be delivered as a presentation or workshop to staff within your aged care service.

Sections of the resource have been developed for you to edit and add in information specific to your aged care service, you’ll find these sections with square brackets and text in italics, for example [add in your text here]. 

Supporting people PowerPoint presentation thumbnail
Publication date

Infection prevention and control, also known as IPC, are the steps and processes that people can use to reduce the spread of harmful germs and bacteria. 

People who visit aged care services can help support IPC processes.

Your role in infection prevention and control video thumbnail
Publication date

Watch our video series answering the most common questions we have received about the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.

In this third episode, Lisa Peterson PSM, Assistant Commissioner for Sector Capability and Regulatory Strategy, discusses the main changes from the current Standards to the strengthened Quality Standards, and gives insight as to how providers will be assessed against them.

Up to standard episode 3 image
Publication date

Infection prevention and control helps to stop the spread of germs like bacteria and viruses that cause respiratory infections and gastroenteritis. Hand hygiene is a very important part of this. 

In this video you will learn how to clean another person's hands.

Hand hygiene video thumbnail
Publication date

How to create an environment with strong infection prevention and control practices while continuing to provide a positive experience for people with cognitive decline and dementia.

IPC dementia coverpage
Publication date
Last updated

This Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) provides information on how the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (the Commission) implements cost recovery charging for the accreditation and re-accreditation of residential aged care services.

CRIS cover page