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Consumer feedback

someone completing a survey online

Have your say about a home services or residential service provider

If you are a consumer living in residential aged care or receiving care at home you are encouraged to provide feedback to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission about your experience of the quality and safety at your aged care service. Family members or representatives of consumers are also encouraged to provide feedback on behalf of consumers.

You can provide this feedback by:

  • talking to your aged care service to ask to be contacted to provide feedback during the quality assessment visit; or
  • calling 1800 951 822 to complete the consumer feedback survey by phone; or
  • sending your feedback to the Commission at GPO Box 9819, in your capital city; or
  • completing the appropriate online consumer feedback survey using these links:

If you require an interpreter or other accessibility support, please visit the Commission's Translation and other support.

The feedback you provide will help us to better understand how the service is performing against the expected standards for care and services, and to identify quality and safety issues in aged care services more broadly.

The Commission may publish combined survey results to show how your aged care service is performing, however, we will never identify individuals. You may choose to complete the survey anonymously and all the information you provide is treated according to the Commission's Privacy Policy.

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