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Learn about the Quality Standards and how they're applied.
We monitor the quality of aged care services delivered by providers against the Quality Standards.
Learn about how you might apply the Quality Standards in different ways with these case studies.
The strengthened Quality Standards will come into effect from 1 July 2025, in line with the commencement of the new Aged Care Act.
Standard 1 reflects important concepts about a person’s sense of self.
Standard 2 describes what providers need to do to plan care and services for people using aged care.
Standard 3 applies to all services delivering personal and clinical care specified in the Quality of Care Principles 2014.
Standard 4 covers the options for supporting people to live as independently as possible and enjoy life.
Standard 5 applies to the service environment provided for residential care, respite care and day therapy centres.
Standard 6 requires providers to have an accessible, confidential, prompt and fair system to resolve complaints.
Standard 7 requires providers to have a skilled and qualified workforce for delivering safe, high-quality care.
Standard 8 holds governing bodies responsible for their organisations and delivery of care.
*some complaints closed may have beenreceived in previous months
*Data is for Jan 2025