The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission handles a range of complaints every day. Some of these complaint issues can be handled solely by us, while others may need to be referred to another organisation.
There are a number of organisations we refer complaint information to when required:
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) supports 14 National Boards that are responsible for regulating health professions. The primary role of the National Boards is to protect the public and set standards and policies that all registered health practitioners must meet. AHPRA is responsible for:
• handling complaints about registered health practitioners
• working with Health Complaints Commissions in each state and territory to make sure the appropriate organisation deals with community concerns about registered health practitioners
• supporting the development of registration standards, codes and guidelines, and
• the administration of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.
For further information please visit the AHPRA website.
The Coroner in each state or territory conducts investigations into reportable deaths. The Coroner determines the identity of the deceased, how the death occurred, the cause of death, any particulars needed to register the death, and ways to prevent similar deaths in the future.
Visit the relevant Coroner website in each state or territory for more information and to view the status of Coroner inquiries.
Department of Health
The Department of Health is responsible for aged care policy development and implementation, and the management of national aged care programs.
For further information please visit the Department of Health website.
The police force in each state or territory is responsible for dealing with matters including: preventing, detecting and investigating crime, monitoring and promoting road safety, maintaining social order, and performing and coordinating emergency and rescue operations.
Visit the relevant police website in each state or territory for more information.
Health Complaints Entities
Generally speaking, Health Complaints Entities (HCE) are responsible for the investigation and resolution of health complaints. State and territory HCE work alongside AHPRA to ensure the appropriate organisation investigates community concerns about registered health practitioners. They may also look into concerns about unregistered health care workers. Complaints about unregistered aged care workers can be made to your local HCE.
Visit the relevant Health Complaints Entity website in each state or territory for more information.
• ACT Human Rights Commission
• NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
• NT health and Community Services Complaints Commission
• QLD Office of the Health Ombudsman
• SA Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
• Tas Health Complaints Commissioner
• Vic Health Complaints Commissioner
• WA Health and Disability Services Complaints Office