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Request a speaker or representative

We welcome requests for our staff to attend meetings and events. Commission staff can attend as a speaker or representative.

To make a request, please complete this form as soon as you have confirmed the key event details. We'll need as much notice as possible to complete the request.

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect your information.

Please note: highlighted fields are required. 


Contact details
Meeting or event details
Please provide the details of your meeting or event.
Please provide information on the size, background and level of familiarity with the subject matter
If so, how much is it?
If available
Is this a one-time or recurring meeting/event?
Will there be other speakers at the event?
Will media be attending the event?
What is the format of this meeting/event and what input is expected from the Commission’s participant?
Can a Commission representative join virtually?
For example wide screen, audio file type
Is your request a speaker or attendance request?
About our representative
Do you require a biography and/or photograph?

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