Insights report
We do targeted reviews to increase provider awareness of their financial and prudential responsibilities. These reviews help us to identify risks and improve compliance across the aged care sector.
This targeted review focused on educating and supporting providers on permitted uses of refundable deposits for loans and debt repayment.
Providers of residential and flexible aged care that hold refundable deposits must comply with the prudential responsibilities set out in the:
Providers must also report on how they manage refundable deposits.
From March to July 2024, we reviewed a sample of providers across the country to assess if they understood and met their responsibilities for loans and debt repayment.
Our findings also help us identify risks and develop targeted education materials.
Our findings
Our review found that most providers didn’t use refundable deposits to fund loans or repay debts. In cases where providers did use refundable deposits for loans:
- loans were made on commercial terms
- they had clear repayment plans
- their arrangements were structured to make financial returns for both the lender and the provider.
Providers submitted documents showing the:
- purpose and how they planned to use the loan
- loan amounts in dollars
- security details explained in the loan agreements
- agreed interest rates
- commencement, finalisation and termination clauses
- consistent review of their loan arrangements and timely repayments.
During the review, we provided education and guidance to help providers understand their prudential responsibilities. This included permitted uses, governance and best practices.
Things to consider
- You can only use refundable deposits for loans if you:
- use them for permitted uses
- use them to support residential or flexible aged care
- make them to a person on a commercial basis
- manage them through a written agreement
- follow strict financial practices to protect refundable deposits
- correctly report and record them
- make them clear.
- Do you know you can use funds to repay debts (referred to in paragraph 52N1(2)(d) or (e) of the Act)?
- In your Annual Prudential Compliance Statement you need to report:
- the total refundable deposits held
- amounts spent during the financial year, whether or not you’ve used refundable deposits
- total amounts spent on each of the permitted uses of refundable deposits.
- Are you following strong financial management principles, and complying with legislative requirements?
- Do you keep good records and comply with the Governance Standard?
Commission actions
- We will provide more guidance and education on the permitted uses of refundable deposits to help you understand your obligations.
- We will use the information we collect to improve our risk identification systems and address possible issues more effectively.
Further information
- Fees and Payment Principles 2014 (No. 2)
- Permitted use of refundable deposits webpage
- Governance Standard webpage
- Governance Standard fact sheet
Contact us
If you have any questions or feedback, email the Prudential Audits and Targeted Reviews team at F&
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