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Displaying 21 to 40 of 65 result(s)
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This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting neglect in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification example response neglect PDF document in white text over teal background.
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting inappropriate use of restrictive practices in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification example response inappropriate restrictive practices PDF document in white text over teal background.
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting unexplained absence from care in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification example response unexplained absence from care PDF document in white text over teal background.
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting  unreasonable use of force in the My Aged Care portal.

unreasonable use of force PDF document in white text over a teal background
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting  unlawful sexual contact in the My Aged Care portal.

Cover image of a PDF document in white text over a teal background saying unlawful sexual contact
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting psychological or emotional abuse in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification response PDF file saying emotional and psychological abuse in white text over a teal background
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting unexpected death in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification example response Unexpected death PDF document written in white text over a teal background
Publication date

This provider fact sheet explains investment management strategy, which is part of the Prudential Standards.

Fact sheet,
First page of the Prudential Standards Investment management strategy fact sheet with Prudential Standards wheel and two columns of text
Publication date

This provider fact sheet explains their responsibilities regarding the management of new consumers who require restrictive practices or have started them before entering the service.

Fact sheet,
Cover page: A young lady with long hair and glasses next to elderly man who is sitting
Publication date

This fact sheet summarises observations by the Commission from engagements with residential aged care services that experienced a COVID-19 outbreak in 2021. It has been informed by our monitoring of more than 350 COVID-19 outbreaks at residential aged care services across several states, and our participation in more than 1,500 outbreak management meetings.

Fact sheet,
What we learned from COVID-19 outbreaks in 2021 – fact sheet
Publication date

This guidance provides information for providers on the problem solving model supports the key elements of an effective incident management system.

Cover of Reporting serious incidents Using a problem solving approach to enhance effective incident management
Publication date
Last updated

This presentation is an educational tool is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

First slide of To Dip or Not To Dip case-based education presentation with dip stick and container with coloured squares
Publication date
Last updated

This guide is for facilitators to deliver case-based learning to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

Elderly man with walker and cap, a younger man has his hand on his shoulder while they walk
Publication date
Last updated

This flyer is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

Arabic - تغمس أم ال؟  (PDF  262.89 KB)
Hindi - To Dip or Not to Dip?  (PDF  236.96 KB)
Spanish - Sumergir o no sumergir  (PDF  208.59 KB)
Text and images of urinary tract, dipstick container and white and red prescriptions pills
Publication date
Last updated

This audit tool is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

To Dip or Not to Dip audit tool  (PDF  424.01 KB)
To Dip or Not To Dip audit tool two tables with multiple rows and columns
Publication date
Last updated

This provider poster is an educational tool is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

Poster with four grey rows and four icons with dipstick container, urinary tract, document and red and white prescription pills
Publication date
Last updated

This provider poster is an educational tool is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

Dinka - Pɛ̈n Tuany ë lɛc  (PDF  200.17 KB)
Korean - 요로 감염 예방  (PDF  205.57 KB)
Two columns: 1. urine colour chart; 2. outline of human body
Publication date

RB 2021-14 This Regulatory Bulletin outlines the Commission’s regulatory approach where there is a transfer in ownership of a residential aged care service from one approved provider to another.

Regulatory Bulletins,
Cover image - RB 2021-14 Change in service ownership
Publication date

In this short video, we provide an overview of the benefits of effective incident management in residential aged care settings under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS), which commenced on 1 April 2021.

Benefits of effective incident management video thumbnail
Publication date

In this short video, we discuss incident management in residential aged care settings under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) which commenced on 1 April 2021.

Incident management under the SIRS video thumbnail