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How we deal with complaints

When you contact us to make a complaint, we'll:

  • listen to your concerns
  • discuss the outcome you want
  • explain what we do and how we can help.

We might also:

  • speak to professionals about clinical or technical issues
  • ask you, your service provider or other relevant people for information
  • visit the service provider
  • review any additional relevant information.

We'll work with you and your provider to get the best outcome quickly.

If the complaint can't be resolved directly with the provider, we'll consider other options. These could include an investigation or conciliation.

We'll let you know as soon as possible if we can't deal with any part of your complaint.

We'll also give you advice about where to direct the issue instead.

Your satisfaction

When we manage complaints, we aim to do it sensitively and promptly.

That’s why we welcome your feedback. It helps us to improve our service and protect your right to safe and quality care.

After we’ve handled your complaint, you can complete our confidential Complaint Resolution Satisfaction Survey. Service providers can also participate.

You may be contacted by Orima Research on our behalf, to provide some anonymous feedback about the complaints process. We want to know what you think. This will help us to improve our service. Please let us know if you do not want to be contacted for this survey.

Information that you include in the survey will be kept confidential and you will be anonymous in this process. Your individual survey response will only be seen by staff at ORIMA Research and by the Commission and will only be used for research purposes.

Rights of other affected people

A complaint may involve people other than the complainant and the aged care provider.

If we think our decision may negatively affect someone, we'll speak to them and consider their views before deciding.

Find out more about the rights of ‘other parties’ involved in a complaint.

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