The current process of becoming an approved provider and applying for reaccreditation will change with the new Aged Care Act.
Under the new Act, funded aged care services need to be delivered by a registered provider.
All providers of aged care services will need to be registered by the Commission, including organisations and individuals.
To become a registered provider under the new Act, an organisation or individual will need to apply and be registered by the Commission. Providers can be registered into one or more of 6 registration categories. Registration categories group together provider services based on similar types of care, complexity, and risk.
The 6 proposed registration categories are:
Category 1 – Home and community services
Category 2 – Assistive technology and home modifications
Category 3 – Advisory and support services
Category 4 – Personal care and care support in the home or community (including respite)
Category 5 – Nursing and transition care
Category 6 – Residential care (including respite)
These categories may be subject to further change.
We will register providers for a set period. We will then invite providers to renew their registration.
Registered providers will have obligations they must meet based on their registration categories. The Commission may also add conditions on a provider’s registration.
Transitioning providers to new provider registration categories
In preparation for the new Act, and to enable providers to continue to deliver care and services to older people, the Department of Health and Aged Care will move current providers to registration categories based on the current services they deliver or the services they are funded to provide. This is known as ‘deeming’.
The department has started contacting providers to validate the information it has for their organisation to make sure they are placed in the correct category.
There will be opportunities for providers to update the information the department holds or request an adjustment to the proposed registration categories if there may be an error.
New providers
Prior to the new Act, new providers seeking to deliver government-funded aged care will need to apply in line with the current process.
We will provide more information on this as it becomes available.
Provider Registration Policy
Read our Provider Registration Policy. This explains the process and principles for registration. The policy includes information on:
- our registration model
- initial registration of providers
- approving residential care homes
- renewing registration
- changes the Commission can make to registration
- changes a provider can request to their registration
- the Provider Register
Further information
For more information on the new aged care regulatory model and details on provider registration and registration renewal, visit the department’s website.
Learn about the new aged care regulatory model
Read how the new aged care regulatory model will work
Details on the deeming process – transitioning providers to the new system
Find out more about provider obligations and support