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Aged Care Quality Standards

Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect in aged care.

The Aged Care Quality Standards define what good care looks like in Australia. They apply to all aged care services that receive funding from the Australian Government.

Transcript for 'What the Aged Care Quality Standards mean for you'

How the standards improve your experience

High-quality care should make you feel safe, well cared for and respected. The 8 standards are designed to make sure you agree with the following statements:

  1. I am treated with dignity and respect and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services and live the life I choose.
  2. I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and wellbeing.
  3. I get personal, clinical, or both personal and clinical care that is safe and right for me.
  4. I get the services and support for daily living that are important for my health and wellbeing and enable me to do what I want.
  5. I feel I belong and am safe and comfortable in the organisation’s service environment.
  6. I feel safe, encouraged and supported to give feedback and make complaints. I am engaged in processes to address my feedback and complaints, and appropriate action is taken.
  7. I get quality care and services from knowledgeable, capable and caring people when I need them.
  8. I am confident the organisation is well run. I can partner in improving the delivery of care and services.

This poster shows all 8 standards and outcomes. It's also been translated into a range of different languages.

What to expect in aged care

Transcript for 'What is person-centred care?'

You have the right to live the life you choose in aged care. To make sure you can do this, it's vital that you let your provider know which goals, relationships and activities are important to you. This is called 'person-centred care'.

Another way you can live the life you choose is with 'dignity of risk'. Risks, within reason, are an essential part of life. Your aged care provider should support you in taking managed risks to live a whole and happy life.

Transcript for 'What is dignity of risk?'

Learn more

When care doesn't meet the standards

If you don't think your provider is supplying quality care, it's important you tell someone. Raising concerns isn't 'being difficult' – it's an important part of improvement.

Raising concerns with your provider

You can speak directly with your aged care provider if you feel comfortable. This is often the quickest way to resolve an issue.

Raising concerns with us

We're here to make sure you receive the care you deserve. You can raise your concerns with us by making a complaint.

You can also provide feedback about the quality of care you've received. This is not a complaint but helps us assess providers against the standards.

To provide feedback, call us on 1800 951 822 or email

Where to find more support

If you need help raising your concerns, translating and interpreting services are available

An advocate can help you understand your rights and options. Contact the Older Persons Advocacy Network for details.

More information

Please browse our resource library for fact sheets, case studies, videos and more about the standards.

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