About the program
The current Aged Care Quality Standards will be strengthened as part of the new Aged Care Act and regulatory model.
In 2021, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended that the Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) review the Standards.
They recommended that the reviewed Standards include vital areas such as:
- food and nutrition
- dementia
- diversity
- governance
- clinical care.
The Department conducted consultations, reviewed and revised the draft strengthened Standards. We contributed to the revisions as national aged care services regulator.
The strengthened Quality Standards will commence from 1 July 2025, in line with the new Aged Care Act. The existing Standards will remain in effect until then.
To prepare the aged care sector for the upcoming changes, we are implementing the Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care Program.
Through the program, we are:
- changing how we assess the quality of aged care and services
- building awareness and capability in the aged care sector
- simplifying our processes and resources so they are consistent and easy to understand
For more information, read our Stronger Standards, Better Aged Care Program Vision Statement
Sector support
The Commission has produced a suite of draft guidance resources for providers and workers on the strengthened Quality Standards.
We conducted a public consultation from 6 February to 19 May 2024 seeking feedback on the draft resources. We received feedback via written submissions, surveys and roundtable discussions.
A report is now available on the outcomes of the public consultation.
We are now updating the resources in response to your feedback and will release the updates gradually.
The registration categories included in the drafts are no longer current. The 6 proposed registration categories are available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
Standards guidance
The strengthened Quality Standards guidance supports providers and workers to understand and comply with the strengthened Standards. It also promotes best practice in service provision.
We have considered your feedback following last year’s public consultation and made changes to make the guidance more effective and easier to use.
We have:
- simplified the language
- emphasised the importance and applicability of Standard 1 across all standards
- added more examples, including for:
- services providing care to people from culturally and linguistically diverse groups
- rural and remote services.
We’re also working on updating the guidance for workers and governing bodies, as well as adding further considerations for home care settings. We’ll let you know when these updates are available.
Read the updated guidance for providers on the digital guidance tool.
The online tool helps you find guidance tailored to your circumstances. Choose your registration category to see the Standards that will apply to you and receive detailed guidance to support compliance with each Outcome.
Audit guidance
The draft audit resources support providers to understand what to expect from us when we assess performance against the strengthened Quality Standards.
Following consultation with the sector, we are revising our draft audit resources to make sure they accurately reflect the audit process and to help you understand what to expect.
The resources below are drafts only. We will release updated audit resources, as well as additional guidance, before we start auditing against the new strengthened Standards.
- draft audit methodology – This document is currently being revised and updated. The registration categories included in this draft audit methodology are no longer current. The 6 proposed registration categories are available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.
- draft evidence mapping framework
- draft pre-audit preparation tool
- draft request for Information template - category 4 & 5
- draft request for Information template - category 6
Guidance for workers
The draft worker guidance provides aged care workers with an overview of the strengthened Standards and what it means for them.
The guidance applies to anyone employed or engaged by a registered provider to deliver aged care services to older people. This includes volunteers, care managers or coordinators, clinicians, care workers, cleaning staff, kitchen staff, lifestyle or activities staff, and people in management or administrative roles.
Fact sheets and posters
We have released a suite of overview fact sheets to help providers understand the new strengthened Quality Standards and your obligations in meeting them.
In these fact sheets, you will find:
- Key concepts and themes for each strengthened Quality Standard.
- Statements from older people and workers which describe how they will feel and act when the Quality Standard is being upheld.
- Information about demonstrating conformance with the Quality Standard.
- Reflective questions.
- Other resources which give you extra detail on the Quality Standards and draft guidance if you are interested in learning more.
We have also released a quick reference guide which gives you an overview of why there are different registration categories, what this means for you in practice, and how you can support your workers.
You can download the fact sheets here:
- Standard 1: The person
- Standard 2: The organisation
- Standard 3: Care and services
- Standard 4: The environment
- Standard 5: Clinical care
- Standard 6: Food and nutrition
- Standard 7: The residential community
We have developed two printable A3 posters that will help workers and older people understand the intent of the strengthened Standards.
You can download those posters here:
We have also collated useful resources and suggested activities into a handy checklist that will help providers and workers understand their obligations under the strengthened Standards.
Download the Provider checklist
The strengthened Quality Standards storyboards provide pictorial representations of what different topics from the standards look like in practice. They have been developed for a rural and remote context to assist older people, staff and other people interacting with aged care services to understand how the Standards apply in a day-to-day context.
- Storyboard 1: My advance care plan
- Storyboard 2: I can live the life I choose
- Storyboard 3: My aged care provider partners with me to make my life better
- Storyboard 4: What I need to help me live well at home safely
- Storyboard 5: How aged care helps me with my personal and clinical care
- Storyboard 6: I get the care and support I need to live safe and well at home
- Storyboard 7: Making aged care spaces welcoming and safe
- Storyboard 8: I can speak up to make aged care better
- Storyboard 9: Supporting me with the right people to care for my needs
- Storyboard 10: Supporting safe and quality care
- Storyboard 12: Open disclosure
Up to Standard videos
Our Up to Standard video series gives you the latest updates and answers to the most common questions we have received about the strengthened Standards.
- Episode 1: Timing of implementation and the Commission’s role (22 November 2023)
- Episode 2: Strengthened Standards Pilot Project (8 December 2023)
- Episode 3: Main changes to the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards explained (8 April 2024)
Strengthened Quality Standards Introductory videos
We have released a suite of introductory videos to provide you with foundational knowledge of your obligations regarding under the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. The first video introduces the strengthened Quality Standards, and the remaining 7 videos each focus on explaining the key topics in the individual standards.
You can watch the videos here:
- Introduction to Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 1 - The Person
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 2 - The Organisation
- Strengthened Age Care Quality Standard 3 - Care and Services
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 4 - The Environment
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 5 - Clinical Care
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 6 - Food and Nutrition
- Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standard 7 - The Residential Community
We hold regular webinars to update the sector about our work on the strengthened Standards. Go to the webinar page to register for upcoming webinars or to watch recordings of past events.
Framework analysis
To support the sector in understanding the changes to the Standards, we conducted a framework analysis by comparing the current Standards with the draft Standards.
Internal training
Providers can download this strengthened Quality Standards training package to deliver to their own staff. The format enables you to add your own brand and logos and adjust the content to suit your service category.
You can also download conversation cards which will help you engage workers with key concepts in each Standard. Workers can use the questions on each card as prompts for explaining how they apply the Standards in practice.
Online learning
Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards learning modules
This series of online learning modules aims to help aged care workers understand what is expected of them under the strengthened Quality Standards.
The 8 interactive modules provide a foundational understanding of the strengthened Standards, supporting workers to deliver rights-based, person-centred care in line with the new Aged Care Act.
The modules are available through Alis, our online learning platform. Register for Alis to access.
Strengthened Quality Standards in practice - workshop
We have developed an on-demand workshop for executives, managers and educators to learn about the strengthened Quality Standards, and how these can be applied within your workplace. Register now for the Strengthened Quality Standards in practice workshop.
Watch the Strengthened Quality Standards workshop video below for an introduction to the workshop and to learn more.
Transcript for 'The strengthened Quality Standards in Practice Workshop'
Strengthened Quality Standards pilot
We conducted a pilot project to test:
- how the draft strengthened Standards will be applied in practice
- whether the draft Standards support the delivery of high-quality aged care
- a proposed audit methodology
- the draft assessment grading
- how we can support providers to understand and comply with the strengthened Standards.
The pilot included a sample of 40 providers representative of the aged care sector.
Overall feedback from the participating providers was positive, indicating they found the audit process:
- more transparent,
- easier to understand
- embraced the natural justice process to ensure they could review and comment before compliance decisions are made.
Have your say
We value your questions, suggestions and feedback. We look forward to working together to improve the quality of aged care.
If you have any questions or comments, please email agedcarereform@agedcarequality.gov.au.