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Quality Standards Resource Centre

Displaying 21 to 37 of 37 result(s)

Effective incident management system checklist

Guides, Tool
Published date

This resource provides a checklist to help aged care providers ensure their incident management systems meet regulatory requirements. It outlines key responsibilities, reporting processes, and steps to review and manage incidents effectively, aligning with the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) guidelines​.

This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Incident management system
2: The Organisation
2.6: Feedback and complaints management, 2.3: Accountability and quality system
Document with teal header and and the test Effective incident management system checklist  and checklist items in table

Goal planning tool

Tool, Guides
Published date

This resource is a goal planning tool designed to support aged care providers in improving food, dining, nutrition, and consumer choice. It helps providers set objectives, track progress, and implement actions to enhance service quality, ensuring that people’s preferences and dietary needs are consistently met​. This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards. 

Goal planning tool  (PDF  899.52 KB)
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Choice, independence and quality of life
3: The Care and Services, 1: The Person
3.1 Assessment and planning, 1.3: Choice, independence and quality of life
Goal planning document with an orange header and two tables with four columns and three rows

Dining in residential aged care - tips and tricks fact sheet

Fact sheet
Published date

This fact sheet provides practical tips for enhancing dining experiences in residential aged care settings. It offers guidance on food presentation, meal assistance, creating a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere, supporting independence, and providing culturally appropriate dining options. The aim is to improve mealtime satisfaction while maintaining older peoples' dignity and people's preferences. This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards. 

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Food and nutrition
6: Food and Nutrition
6.1: Partnering with older people on food and nutrition
Image of Dining in residential aged care - tips and tricks fact sheet

My food and dining preferences - form

Fact sheet
Published date
Last Updated

This fact sheet helps aged care residents communicate their food and dining preferences. It includes sections for meal choices, dining preferences, assistance needs, health considerations, cultural or religious customs, and contact information for allied health professionals. It also advises staff to monitor changes in weight and contact a dietitian if needed. 

This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards. 


Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Food and nutrition, Delivering comprehensive care and services, Assessment and planning
3: The Care and Services, 6: Food and Nutrition, 7: The Residential Community
6.1: Partnering with older people on food and nutrition, 3.1 Assessment and planning, 7.1: Daily living
Image of Food and dining preferences fact sheet

Quality and safety in home services – 5 key areas of risk

Guidance, Guides
Published date

This resource provides guidance for home service providers on managing key risks in aged care services. It identifies 5 critical areas: organisational governance, care planning and assessment, clinical care, support for vulnerable consumers, and management of Home Care Package funds

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Risk management system, Delivering comprehensive care and services, Environment
2: The Organisation, 4: The Environment
2.4: Risk management, 4.1a: Environment and equipment at home
Quality and safety in home services - 5 key areas of risk

What is dignity of risk? consumer resources

Guidance, Guides, Poster
Published date

The Commission has developed a number of resources to help aged care consumers understand what dignity of risk is and what actions you should expect from your provider. The dignity of risk is another way of saying you have the right to live the life you choose.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Choice, independence and quality of life, Delivering comprehensive care and services
1: The Person, 7: The Residential Community
1.3: Choice, independence and quality of life, 7.1: Daily living
3 circles(purple an elderly lady with a thinking bubble which says make sure you understand the risks to you and others, orange circle with 2 ladies with speech bubbles wit the words work with you to manage those risks, yellow green circle with a speech bubble one of them has a heart and the other is a blank speech bubble and has the words respect your decision) with on a teal background .

What is open disclosure? - video

Published date

This video provides a helpful explanation about what open disclosure is and what aged care consumers can expect during the process.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Accountability and quality system, Feedback and complaints management system
2: The Organisation
2.3: Accountability and quality system, 2.6: Feedback and complaints management
2 people talking an aged women and a younger man with blank conversation bubbles on a pink background

What is person-centred care? — video

Published date

This video explains what person-centred care means and how you can work with your provider to achieve it. 

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Person-centred care
1: The Person
1.1: Person-centred care
man inside a circle on top of 4 houses

Person-centred care consumer resources

Guides, Poster
Published date

The poster and video will support you in understanding person-centred care.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Person-centred care
1: The Person
1.1: Person-centred care
Poster with: What is person centered care? in white text on a blue background. There are four circles: pink(work with you and your representatives, grey (talk with you about your preferences), yellow (risk - support you to take risks), and sky blue with an aged person.

Partnerships in care – Provider fact sheet

Fact sheet
Published date

This resource provides guidance for residential aged care providers to implement a Partnerships in Care (PiC) programme. It promotes a person-centred approach to supporting relationships between residents and their chosen partners in care. The PiC programme includes training on infection prevention, guidance for safe visitation, and support to maintain resident wellbeing during outbreaks. 

This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Person-centred care, Dignity, respect and privacy, Infection prevention and control
1: The Person, 4: The Environment, 5: Clinical Care
1.1: Person-centred care, 1.2: Dignity, respect and privacy, 4.2: Infection prevention and control, 5.2: Preventing and controlling infections in clinical care
Partnerships in care – Provider fact sheet

Preventing urinary tract infections: recognise dehydration poster

Published date
Last Updated

This provider poster is an educational tool is part of the Commission’s resource bundle to improve antibiotic use for urinary tract infections in aged care services.

Dinka - Pɛ̈n Tuany ë lɛc  (PDF  200.17 KB)
Korean - 요로 감염 예방  (PDF  205.57 KB)
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Infection prevention and control
4: The Environment, 5: Clinical Care
4.2: Infection prevention and control, 5.2: Preventing and controlling infections in clinical care
Two columns: 1. urine colour chart; 2. outline of human body

Frequently asked questions about consent

Fact sheet
Published date

This fact sheet covers the frequently asked questions about consent in aged care.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Choice, independence and quality of life, Assessment and planning, Care coordination and transitions
1: The Person, 3: The Care and Services, 7: The Residential Community
1.3: Choice, independence and quality of life, 3.1 Assessment and planning, 7.2: Transitions
Cover of Frequently asked questions about consent

Benefits of effective incident management video

Published date

In this short video, we provide an overview of the benefits of effective incident management in residential aged care settings under the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS), which commenced on 1 April 2021.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Incident management system
2: The Organisation
2.5: Incident management
Benefits of effective incident management video thumbnail

Infection Prevention and Control Leads: Updates for providers

Fact sheet
Published date

This fact sheet provides updated information for providers of aged care on effective infection prevention and control capability. This is critical to the safe, effective delivery of personal and clinical care in aged care. This is particularly the case during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.


Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Infection prevention and control
5: Clinical Care, 4: The Environment
5.2: Preventing and controlling infections in clinical care, 4.2: Infection prevention and control
ipc leads thumbnail

Better use of medications in aged care

Discussion paper
Published date

This discussion paper explores strategies to improve medication management in aged care, including reducing inappropriate prescriptions and promoting non-pharmacological interventions. It reviews current interventions' effectiveness, highlights the use of psychotropic medications, and identifies areas for improving practices through multifaceted and multidisciplinary approaches for better resident outcomes and healthcare quality. 

This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards. 

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Medication management
5: Clinical Care
5.3: Safe and quality use of medicines
Better use of medications - thumbnail image

How an aged care advocate can help you

Fact sheet
Published date
Last Updated

If you are concerned about the quality of the aged care service you or the person you represent is receiving, an advocacy service may be able to help.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Feedback and complaints management system, Choice, independence and quality of life
2: The Organisation, 1: The Person
2.6: Feedback and complaints management, 1.3: Choice, independence and quality of life
How an aged care advocate can help you

Partnering in care - Caring together

Fact sheet

This resource outlines the Partnerships in Care (PiC) programme, which encourages family and friends to support companionship and care for people in aged care, even during outbreak situations. It provides guidance on infection control, visitation protocols, and formal engagement with care activities to enhance resident well-being in a safe, structured manner. 

This resource may refer to information that will be updated from 1 July 2025 to align with the new Aged Care Act and Quality Standards.

Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
Key Theme
Person-centred care, Dignity, respect and privacy
1: The Person
1.1: Person-centred care, 1.2: Dignity, respect and privacy
Partnering in care - Caring together