There are 5 types of restrictive practices under the legislation.
For examples of each type, read our Restrictive practices scenario resource.
Chemical restraint is a practice or intervention involving medication for the primary purpose of influencing behaviour.
Environmental restraint involves a provider restricting free access to all parts of a resident's environment (including items and activities) to influence behaviour.
Mechanical restraint is when a device is used to:
- prevent
- restrict, or
- subdue movement to influence behaviour.
Examples may include bed rails, low beds, princess chairs, and clothing restricting movement.
Physical restraint is using force to prevent, restrict or subdue movements of a resident's body.
Seclusion is using solitary confinement to influence behaviour in a room or physical space. Voluntary exit is prevented, or it's implied that a resident cannot leave the room or physical space at any hour of the day or night.