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Disclaimer: the information in the strengthened Quality Standards guidance remains in draft and will be finalised when the Aged Care Rules come into force.  

The strengthened Quality Standards guidance 

The strengthened Quality Standards guidance supports you as provider to understand and comply with the strengthened Standards. It also supports you to deliver person-centred quality care and to strive for best practice in service provision.

Using the strengthened Quality Standards guidance

Select the service categories, the roles and whether clinical care applies to your service and select apply. The information shown will be grouped into the strengthened Standards and the outcomes that apply to your selections. 

The information will outline the:

  • expectations of older people
  • intent of the strengthened Standards
  • outcome that needs to be achieved
  • why the outcome is important
  • actions you can take to achieve the outcome
  • examples of key tasks you can do to achieve the outcome.

You will find the option to listen to the information or to print it on each page.

Applying the strengthened Quality Standards guidance

The information in this guidance is not prescriptive or exhaustive. It is to be treated as a guide only that examples how you could show that you are complying with each Standard outcome. To deliver person-centred quality care you must always be responsive and tailor to the needs, goals and preferences of the people you deliver care and services to.

Glossary of terms

The draft Glossary of terms supports the draft strengthened Quality Standards Guidance. Terms outlined in the glossary appear as bold with an asterisk in the text of the guidance.

Based on what you've told us, these standards apply to you:

The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards and audit process will not apply to providers registered in proposed registration Categories 1, 2 and 3. Providers registered in these categories will be subject to other regulatory obligations under the new Aged Care Act.