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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 18 April 2024. Learn what has changed.

What will older people say?

I receive plenty of food and drinks that I enjoy. Food and drinks are nutritious, appetising and safe, and meet my needs and preferences. The dining experience is enjoyable, includes variety and supports a sense of belonging.

- Expectation statement for older people

What is the intent?

What is the intent?

Access to nutritionally adequate food is a fundamental human right. Food, drink and the dining experience can have a huge impact on a person’s quality of life. As people age, they may lose their appetite or experience conditions that impact on their ability to eat and drink. As such, it is particularly important that providers engage with older people about what and how they like to eat and drink, deliver choice and meals that are full of flavour, appetising and nutritious (including for older people with texture modified diets), and support older people to consume as much as they want and exercise dignity of risk.

In many cultures, food also plays a large role in fostering feelings of inclusion and belonging. The experience of sharing food and drink with other older people, friends, family and carers is important for many older people.

Providers must draw on Standard 3 in delivering food services to ensure this is informed by robust assessment and planning, and services are delivered in line with the needs, goals and preferences of older people. It is also critical for providers to monitor older people for malnutrition and dehydration and respond appropriately where concerns are identified – this is addressed as part of Standard 5.

Standard 6 is intended to apply only to residential care services.