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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 23 January 2025. Learn what has changed.

What will older people say?

The care and services I receive:

  • are safe and effective
  • optimise my quality of life, including through maximising independence and reablement
  • meet my current needs, goals and preferences
  • are well planned and coordinated
  • respect my right to take risks.

- Expectation statement for older people

What is the intent?

What is the intent?

Standard 3 describes the way providers must deliver care and services for all types of services being delivered (noting that other Standards describe requirements relevant to specific service types). Effective assessment and planning, communication and coordination relies on a strong and supported workforce* as described in Standard 2 and is critical to the delivery of quality care* and services that meet the older person’s needs, which are tailored to their preferences and support them to live their best lives.

In delivering care and services, providers and workers must draw on all relevant Standards, with particular reference to Standard 1, including to ensure care is tailored to the individual and what’s important to them. Family and carers are recognised as having an important role in assisting or providing care and services.