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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 31 January 2025. Learn what has changed.

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

The provider* understands the specific nutritional needs of older people and assesses each older person’s current needs, abilities, and preferences in relation to what and how they eat and drink.



As part of assessment and planning, the provider assesses and regularly reassesses each older person’s nutrition, hydration and dining needs and preferences. The assessment considers:

  • the specific nutritional needs of older people, including a focus on protein and calcium rich foods
  • the older person’s dining needs
  • what the older person likes to eat and drink
  • when the older person likes to eat and drink
  • what makes a positive dining experience for the older person
  • clinical and other physical issues identified that impact the older person’s ability to eat and drink.
Why is this Outcome important

Why is this outcome important?

Outcome 6.2 explains providers’ obligations to assess each older person’s specific nutritional needs, goals and preferences* in residential care. This makes sure you can provide a quality food service that meets person-centred* and culturally safe care* principles. It makes sure that you reflect each older person’s nutritional needs and preferences in their care and services plan*. Person-centred care* makes sure you address individual dietary requirements, cultural needs and preferences.

Outcome 6.2 highlights how important it is to make sure assessments consider the specific nutritional needs of older people. This includes focusing on protein and calcium rich foods. This should also consider that nutrition needs change as older people age. It also encourages a dining experience* that supports how independent and satisfied older people are. Outcome 6.2 highlights how important it is to make sure food services meet each older person’s goals of care*. All areas of nutrition, hydration and dining should be personalised to optimise each older person’s health, wellbeing and dignity. Outcome 6.2 helps to prevent and minimise malnutrition, dehydration and other identified clinical risks and contributes to how satisfied older people are generally with their meals.

Contemporary, evidence-based practices* are a key element in guiding the assessment and planning of older people’s nutrition and hydration, and dining needs and preferences. You need to work with allied health* and health professionals*, such as Accredited Practising Dieticians and Certified Practising Speech Pathologists, to make sure you provide quality care*. This multidisciplinary approach supports the effective assessment of each older person's specific needs and preferences and informs how you provide food and drink. This needs to be in line with contemporary, evidence-based practices*. You should regularly* reassess the older person’s nutritional needs, preferences and dining experiences* to make sure that the food, drink and dining experience* stays safe, appropriate and tailored to them.

You need to give focus to:

  • reassessing older people’s nutritional needs. This includes their:
    • dining needs* and preferences
    • dining experience*
    • ability to eat and drink.

Key tasks


    Assess older people’s nutrition, hydration and dining needs* and preferences as part of your assessment and planning processes*.

    Assess each older person’s individual nutrition, hydration and dining needs* and preferences. Do this regularly* and in partnership* with the older person (Outcome 2.1) and include anyone else the older person wants to involve (Outcome 3.1). For example, their family, carers and health professionals*.

    When you assess the older person’s individual nutrition, hydration and dining needs* and preferences, consider:

    • including a clinical assessment of specific food and nutritional needs (Outcome 5.4). This assessment must be performed by an appropriate allied health* professional such as an Accredited Practising Dietitian. Assessment of nutritional needs should consider each older person’s requirements, particularly for protein, energy and calcium. They should base this on contemporary, evidence-based practice* recommendations and guidelines (Outcome 6.1).
    • the older person’s therapeutic, cultural and religious dietary needs and preferences. This may also require considerations relating to how you prepare food (Outcome 6.1). There are resources available to help you assess older people’s food and dining needs and preferences. For example, we have a food and dining preference sheet you can use.
    • clinical, physical and cognitive issues that may affect the older person’s ability to eat, drink and swallow. For example, poor oral health* or the effects of medication on appetite.
    • adopting trauma aware and healing informed practices* relating to nutrition, food and dining. The guidance for Outcome 3.2 has more information on delivering trauma aware and healing informed care*.

    Make sure you record the outcomes* of the assessment in the older person’s care and services plan*. Review and update these plans regularly*. This is to make sure their plan stays effective and meets their needs and preferences (Outcome 3.1). Communicate these outcomes* to the older person, their family, workers, carers and others involved in their care. Include what and when the older person likes to eat and drink. Do this to support workers to understand what:

    • is a positive dining experience* for each older person (Outcomes 1.1 and 6.4)
    • is culturally and spiritually safe for each older person (Outcome 1.1)
    • optimises older people’s independence, reablement* and quality of life* (Outcomes 3.1). This means helping older people regain and keep their physical, mental and cognitive functions (Outcomes 1.1 and 6.4). You can do this by promoting use their skills and strengths.

    Make sure you have processes* to support older people to eat and drink independently, when it’s safe to. For example, an allied health* professional such as a speech pathologist may recommend individualised safe swallowing strategies. This is to reduce risk and encourage older people to eat safely and independently (Outcomes 3.1 and 5.5).

    Put in place strategies to manage deterioration* or changes in the older person that relate to them eating and drinking (Outcome 5.4). For example, when deterioration* and changes affect the older person’s ability to:

    • eat, drink and swallow
    • meet their specific nutritional needs
    • meet their hydration needs
    • access food and drink when they want it (Outcome 3.2).

    Make sure you refer and facilitate access* to Accredited Practising Dietitians, Certified Practising Speech Pathologists and other allied health* professionals* to help mitigate instances of deterioration*. Severe and immediate deterioration* of older people in your care should be seen by a medical professional. This is in line with comprehensive multidisciplinary care* (Outcome 5.4).

    The guidance for Outcomes 5.4 and 5.5 has more information on managing deterioration* and clinical safety relating to choking*, swallowing, nutrition and hydration.

    Make sure workers who are part of the assessment and planning process* have the time, support, resources, and skills to assess nutritional needs and preferences.

    Provide workers with guidance and training on how to assess older people’s individual nutritional needs and preferences. This needs to follow:

    • the organisation’s policies* and procedures*. These should reflect contemporary, evidence-based practice*.
    • workers’ roles and responsibilities*.

    Relevant to their role, make sure workers understand how to:

    • assess each older person’s nutrition, hydration and dining needs and preferences as a part of their care and services plan* (Outcome 3.1)
    • use this information to plan and provide satisfactory food, drink and dining experiences each older person enjoys
    • refer to appropriate health professionals* for specialist advice and reviews. For example, a speech pathologist for an eating, drinking and swallowing assessment (Outcome 5.4).
    • undertake relevant screening using validated tools (Outcome 5.5).

    Workers who assess nutritional needs may need specific training. Use the system* for managing human resources to identify specific training needs (Outcome 2.9). For example, a Registered Nurse may need more training on how to complete a malnutrition screening using a validated tool. You may not expect a care worker to learn how to use this tool, but they may need more training on how to identify and escalate malnutrition concerns to clinical workers.

    The guidance for Outcomes 2.8 and 2.9 has more information on workforce planning and worker training.

    Monitor how well you’re assessing and planning for older people’s nutritional needs and preferences.

    To check if you’re assessing older people’s nutritional needs and preferences effectively, you can review:

    • the older person’s care and service documents (Outcome 3.1). For example, making sure care provided in the progress notes meets the older person’s needs outlined in their care and services plan*.
    • complaints* and feedback* (Outcome 2.6)
    • incident* information (Outcome 2.5).

    Look for situations where:

    • there have been incidents* involving the older person during eating and drinking (Outcome 5.5). For example, coughing, aspiration, choking* or an allergic reaction.
    • the older person’s nutritional needs and preferences haven’t been considered or properly assessed.

    Assess if workers are following your evidence-based* policies* and frameworks which outline your assessment and planning process* (Outcome 2.9). You can do this through quality assurance reviews.

    If you find any issues or ways you can improve through your reviews and assessments, you need to address them. If things go wrong, you need to:

    • practise open disclosure* (Outcome 2.3). This means being open about what has gone wrong. Share what went wrong with older people, their family and carers.
    • have strategies to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again.

    The guidance for Outcome 2.3 has more information on monitoring the quality system*.