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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 31 January 2025. Learn what has changed.

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

Older people experience a well-coordinated transition to or from the provider* for planned and unplanned transitions. There is clear responsibility and accountability for an older person’s care and services between workers, health professionals* and across organisations.



The provider has processes for transitioning older people to and from hospital, other care services and stays in the community, and ensures that:

  • use of hospitals or emergency departments are recorded and monitored
  • there is continuity of care for the older person
  • older people, their families and carers as appropriate, are engaged in decisions regarding transfers
  • receiving family, carers, health professionals or organisations are given timely, current and complete information about the older person as required
  • when the older person transitions back to the service, their care and services are reviewed and adjusted as needed

The provider facilitates access to services offered by other individuals or organisations when it is unable to meet the older person’s needs.


The provider maintains connections with specialist dementia care services and accesses these services as required.

Why is this Outcome important

Why is this outcome important?

Outcome 7.2 explains providers’ obligations to make sure older people experience safe and well-coordinated transitions of care*. Transitions of care* happen when the older person’s care is transferred between residential care, hospitals, other services and community settings. Getting an older person’s informed consent* and making sure there is effective communication between older people, their families, carers, workers and health professionals* is important during these transitions. Transitions usually happen when an older person’s condition and care needs change. Coordinating care effectively during transitions supports continuity of care* and minimises the risk of older people experiencing adverse events*. It’s important that you maintain continuity of care* during transitions to support the delivery of safe and quality care* and services.

Outcome 7.2 highlights how important it is to protect older people’s privacy and manage their personal information as they transition from one service to another. Providers should closely with the older person, their family, carers, health professionals* and specialist health services. This makes sure information about the older person, like their care and services plan*, is current, complete and given on time during transitions. You should review and update care and services plans* to meet the older person’s changing needs, goals and preferences*. This informs their care and services when transitioning back to their provider. Coordination and communication across care settings during transitions of care* makes sure this information is up-to-date and effective.

You need to give focus to:

  • continuity of care*
  • facilitating access to other services if needed
  • maintaining connections with specialist services.

Key tasks


    Put in place processes* to support coordinated transitions for older people.

    Transitions can happen between:

    • locations
    • provider* organisations
    • providers of care and services. This includes hospital and emergency care and services.
    • levels of care in the same location. For example, as the older person’s condition and care needs change.

    Find, document, and share all current information when an older person is transferred. Make sure the older person has given their informed consent* for you to share this information. You can do this by using your communication (Outcome 3.3) and information management systems* (Outcome 2.7). The information you share might include the older person’s:

    • needs, goals and preferences* (Outcome 1.1), including:
      • language and communication needs and preferences (Outcomes 1.1 and 5.4)
      • specific needs for older people with diverse backgrounds (Outcome 1.1)
      • food, drink and dining needs and preferences (Outcome 6.2).
    • advance care planning documents* (Outcome 3.1)
    • clinical assessment, priorities and goals of care* (Outcome 5.4)
    • relevant allied health* and health professionals* involved in their care (Outcome 5.4)
    • family, carers, their substitute-decision maker* (if they have one) and other people the older person wants involved in their care.
    • equipment, aids and products they need (Outcome 5.4)
    • risks of harm or clinical concerns (Outcomes 2.4, 5.4 and 5.5)
    • information about changes in the older person’s condition (Outcomes 3.3 and 5.4)
    • infection risks (if there are any) (Outcomes 4.2 and 5.2)
    • medication history and current medicines list. Including, for example, information about adverse drug reactions (Outcome 5.3).
    • behaviour support plan*, for those who experience changed behaviours or may require the use of restrictive practices* (Outcomes 3.2 and 5.6).

    It’s important to make sure you maintain continuity of care during transitions. Make sure your transition processes*:

    • include using your communication system* (Outcome 3.3)
    • include processes* to plan and coordinate transition of care and services before a decision is made (Outcomes 3.4 and 5.4). This should happen in partnership with the older person, their family, carers and other providers of care and services. It also applies to whichever setting or service the older person is transitioning to and back. Make sure everyone involved is clear about their responsibilities and accountabilities.
    • consider each older person’s identity, culture, ability, diversity*, beliefs and life experiences (Outcome 1.1). Make sure this information is documented in their care and services plan* and discussed with the older person (Outcome 3.1). For example, an older person may need to transition to a health service of their choice to access specialist services.
    • help workers and others caring for an older person to have access to the older person’s current medication, medical equipment (if needed) and other supporting information (Outcomes 5.3 and 5.4). This also includes any infection risks, so measures can be put in place to protect the health and safety of everyone involved in transitions of care* (Outcome 4.2). You need to review this information before the transition. It also needs to be current, complete and provided in a timely* way. Your information management system* and clinical information system* need to make sure the privacy of older people is in line with data security requirements (Outcomes 2.7 and 5.1).
    • record and monitor older people’s hospital or emergency department visits. This includes monitoring the reasons why the older person has been admitted to hospital and using this information to improve clinical care* (Outcome 5.4). You also need to review if their care and service plan* has been updated with any changes in their discharge plan. Make sure you assess and apply any changes to older people’s care and services plans* when they transition back to your care.
    • are in line with comprehensive care* needs (Outcome 5.4). Make sure:
      • you check and review hospital discharge and transfer summary information. This informs changes to older people’s care and services in a timely* way. Make sure this information is correct and check clinical information with external services if needed. You can do this by actively partnering with people who provide care and services to the older person.
      • medications are up to date at the time of transition (Outcome 5.3). Also, make sure current and complete medication information is available throughout the transition process*. This includes a record of reasons for any changes to medications.
      • you monitor clinical conditions. For example, increase your observation of an older person in the days after their transition from hospital. This may be included in their discharge summary or return from hospital monitoring process*.
      • you review goals of care* with the older person while considering their reablement*. This means, trying to help the older person to regain their physical, mental and cognitive functions.
      • you review the older person’s care and services plan* when the transition happens (Outcome 3.1) and update it as needed. This includes monitoring and evaluating how effective their care and services plan* is.
      • you store, manage, use and share advance care planning documents* with relevant people (Outcome 3.1).
    • use your risk management system* to address challenges and risks when planning transitions (Outcome 2.4). Make sure you consider:
      • transitions at night. For example, risks with low-light situations, impact on sleeping patterns, and less resources available at night.
      • additional resources you need that should be available to provide continuity of care, such as equipment, supplies and medication
      • circumstances that mean the older person has a higher risk of harm when their care is transferred. This can include those who:
        • identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
        • have a disability
        • have experienced trauma, particularly chronic or complex trauma
        • have cognitive or physical impairment
        • live with dementia*
        • have mental illness
        • are culturally and linguistically diverse
        • need palliative care* and end-of-life care*
        • have co-morbidities. This means, having more than one health condition or illness at the same time.

    Put in place strategies to help older people access specialist care and services when they need or want to.

    As part of comprehensive care*, there are services that a person needs to address their clinical needs (Outcome 5.4). These can be:

    • medical
    • rehabilitation
    • allied health*
    • palliative care*
    • specialist nursing
    • advisory services.

    For example, a person might need specialist dementia* care services.

    You need to provide comprehensive care* once you understand each older person’s needs (Outcome 5.4). This means, you need to address these needs and minimise the risk of harm (Outcome 5.5). Your strategies need to make sure that you help older people receive the specialist care and services they need. For example, specialist services can be accessed to:

    • maintain and improve a person’s oral health*
    • manage pain*
    • manage wounds
    • access palliative care* and end-of-life care* (Outcome 5.7)
    • support mental health*
    • optimise mobility
    • manage sensory impairment
    • manage cognitive impairment* and support changed behaviours* associated with dementia* (Outcome 5.6)
    • make sure people feel culturally safe* (Outcome 1.1). For example, access to interpreters and translators, translated resources or culturally appropriate healthcare and community supports.

    For regional and remote providers, limited resourcing may affect timely* access to multidisciplinary care* and specialist services. These providers should consider strategies to make sure older people are appropriately referred to specialist services, allied health* and health professionals* to support continuity of care and effective coordination during transitions of care*.

    Where needed, you need to maintain connections with specialist services so that older people can get timely* support when they need it.

    Make sure workers who provide care and services have the time, support, resources and skills to use your processes* for transitions.

    Provide workers with guidance and training on how to use your processes* for transitions and support an older person’s transition to and from their provider (Outcome 2.9). This needs to be in line with:

    • your organisation’s policies* and procedures*
    • contemporary, evidence-based practice*
    • workers’ roles and responsibilities* (Outcome 2.9).

    Make sure workers understand how to:

    • plan and coordinate older people’s transitions between services, provider organisations and levels of care
    • facilitate access to health professionals* and specialist health services when needed
    • share and access information about the older person during transitions of care*. You can do this using the communication (Outcome 3.3) and information management systems* (Outcome 2.7). For example, this can include information about their:
      • needs, goals and preferences*
      • care and services plan*
      • clinical needs (Outcome 5.4).

    The guidance for Outcomes 2.8 and 2.9 has more information on workforce planning and worker training.

    Monitor how well your processes* for transitions of care* are working.

    To check if you’re managing transitions of care* well, you can review:

    • older people’s care and service documents, such as their care and service plans* and progress notes (Outcome 3.1)
    • complaints* and feedback* (Outcome 2.6)
    • incident* information (Outcome 2.5).

    Look for situations where you haven’t:

    • coordinated transitions of care* effectively
    • communicated information effectively during transitions
    • facilitated access to specialist health services and health professionals* when an older person needed them.

    Also, talk with older people, their families and carers about their experiences during transitions of care* (Outcome 2.1). For example, ask them if they feel their transitions to and from the provider have been well-coordinated. These conversations can then inform continuous improvement* actions and planning (Outcome 2.1).

    Assess if workers are following your quality system* (Outcome 2.9). You can do this through quality assurance and system* reviews.

    If you find any issues or ways you can improve through your reviews and assessments, you need to address them. If things go wrong, you need to:

    • practise open disclosure* (Outcome 2.3). This means being open about what has gone wrong. Share what went wrong with older people, their family and carers.
    • put in place strategies to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again.

    The guidance for Outcome 2.3 has more information on monitoring the quality system*.