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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 31 January 2025. Learn what has changed.

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

The governing body* is accountable for the delivery of quality care* and services and maintains oversight of all aspects of the organisation’s operations.

The provider*’s quality system* enables and drives continuous improvement* of the care and services.

Current policies* and procedures* guide the way workers undertake their roles.



The provider implements a quality system that:

  • Supports quality care and services for all older people
  • Sets out accountabilities and responsibilities for supporting quality care and services, specific to different roles
  • Sets strategic and operational expectations for the delivery of quality care and services
  • Enables the governing body to monitor the organisation’s performance in delivering quality care and services, informed by:
    • Feedback from family, carers and workers
    • Analysis of risks, complaints and incidents (and their underlying causes)
    • Quality Indicator data
    • Contemporary, evidence-based practice
    • Supports the provider to meet strategic and operational expectations and identify opportunities for improvement.

The governing body monitors investment in priority areas to deliver quality care and services.


The provider regularly reviews and improves the effectiveness of the quality system.


The provider regularly reports on its quality system and performance to older people, family, carers and workers.


The provider practices open disclosure and communicates with older people, family, carers and workers when things go wrong.


The provider maintains and implements policies and procedures that are current, regularly reviewed, informed by contemporary, evidence-based practice, and are understood and accessible by workers and relevant parties.

Why is this Outcome important

Why is this outcome important?

Outcome 2.3 explains providers’ obligations to have a quality system* that supports you to deliver quality care* and services to older people. The governing body* is accountable for the delivery of quality care* and services. This is informed and supported by an effective quality system* . The governing body’s oversight supports providers with continuous improvement* and making sure you meet your outcomes.

Outcome 2.3 highlights how important practising open disclosure* and being accountable are. Open disclosure* involves honest communication with older people, their families and carers about any issues or mistakes that have happened. It’s important for providers to acknowledge when things go wrong and put in place strategies to stop them from happening again.

You also need to monitor how effective your systems* are. This includes evaluating care and service delivery outcomes to make sure they follow contemporary, evidence-based practice* . By regularly* monitoring and reporting Quality Indicator data and the outcomes of how you deliver services, you can identify where you can improve. You can then make changes to improve the quality of your care and services. This helps support an open and trusting organisation.

Outcome 2.3 highlights the need to make sure you clearly define workers’ roles and responsibilities* in your organisation's policies* and procedures* . This is to guide practice and can help to encourage consistency and safety across all care and services you provide. Workers should understand and be able to access policies* and procedures* based on contemporary, evidence-based practice*.

You need to give focus to:

  • having a quality system*
  • monitoring investments in priority areas to improve outcomes for older people
  • regularly* reporting on the quality system* and its performance to older people, families, carers and workers.

Key tasks


    Put in place a quality system* that supports you to deliver safe and quality care* and services.

    Make sure this system* supports safe and quality care* and services that centres around older people’s needs.

    Put in place a quality system* that explains:

    • who’s accountable and responsible for specific tasks
    • ‘what good looks like’ for your organisation and range of services. This includes identifying key performance indicators (Outcome 2.8)
    • how you will monitor performance in line with what the governing body* expects
    • how you will monitor quality to make sure you achieve outcomes of the Quality Standards
    • how you will report the results of monitoring activities in a way that supports you with continuous improvement* and practising open disclosure*. This includes how you will share this information with older people and your governing body*.

    Where relevant, use your quality system* to make sure:

    • you deliver safe and quality care* and services to older people. This means care that is person-centred*, culturally safe*, trauma aware and healing informed* (Outcome 1.1). Provide this in line with the organisational governance* and quality system* frameworks.
    • you give older people current, accurate and timely* information about their care and services. Make sure this information is easy to understand and supports the older person to make informed decisions (Outcome 1.3).
    • older people give informed consent* when you need it. For example, before a treatment, procedure or intervention (Outcome 1.3)
    • prices, fees and payments are accurate and transparent for older people (Outcome 1.4)
    • you support older people to take part in partnership* activities (Outcome 2.1)
    • workers have the necessary skills, qualifications and competencies to perform their role (Outcome 2.9)
    • your care and services assessment and planning processes* are working (Outcome 3.1 and Outcome 5.4)
    • your processes* to coordinate care and services are working (Outcome 3.4)
    • older people receive care and services in a physical environment that is safe and supports their needs (Outcomes 4.1 and 4.1b).

    You should also use your quality system* to:

    • recognise, stop and respond to discrimination, abuse and neglect (Outcome 1.2)
    • manage organisational risk (Outcome 2.4)
    • record, investigate, respond to and manage incidents and near misses that happen while delivering care and services (Outcome 2.5)
    • receive, record, respond to and report on feedback* and complaints. Use this to support you with continuous improvement* (Outcome 2.6).
    • analyse risks and their causes
    • securely manage records (Outcome 2.7)
    • put in place workforce* planning strategies (Outcome 2.8)
    • care for older people living with dementia* (Outcome 3.2)
    • communicate structured information about older people and their care and services (Outcome 3.3)
    • prevent and control infection* (Outcomes 4.2 and 5.2)
    • support the appropriate use of personal protective equipment (Outcome 4.2)
    • put in place the clinical governance* framework to drive the safety and quality of care and services (Outcome 5.1)
    • integrate clinical information into nationally agreed electronic health and aged care digital records (Outcome 5.1)
      • For regional and remote providers, limited access to internet and infrastructure may affect digital maturity. These providers should consider strategies to make sure they’re working towards putting in place a digital clinical information system* .
    • support the safe and quality use of medicines (Outcome 5.3)
    • monitor and continue to improve the food service (Outcome 6.1)
    • have services and supports for daily living that improve the quality of life* of older people (Outcome 7.1)
    • transition older people to and from hospital, other care services and stays in the community (Outcomes 7.2 and 3.4)
    • measure against Quality Indicator data.

    Use your quality system* to report quality performance information.

    Report quality information to the governing body*. Also report this information to older people, their families and carers.

    Make sure you write and distribute reports in line with the governing body*’s expectations and directions. This also includes monitoring the performance of any subcontracted providers.

    Make sure reports clearly explain the results from performance monitoring, including where:

    • things have gone well
    • things have not gone well
    • you will make changes to make sure similar situations don’t happen again.

    When things go wrong, you need to practise open disclosure* (Outcome 2.3). This means you should:

    • be open about what’s gone wrong
    • acknowledge that something has gone wrong and the affect it has had on the older person receiving care
    • apologise for what has gone wrong
    • put in place strategies in partnership with older people to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again
    • monitor and evaluate strategies to mitigate risk
    • share this information with older people, their family and carers.

    Use this information to develop strategies to stop things going wrong again. You should include processes* to investigate what has gone wrong in your organisation’s clinical governance* framework (Outcome 5.1).

    Put in place strategies to help workers use the quality system*.

    Put in place policies* and procedures* that support the use of your quality system* . Make sure these are:

    • current and informed by the latest contemporary, evidence-based practices*
    • regularly* reviewed
    • clear and accessible for workers and relevant people.

    Provide workers with guidance and training on how to use the quality system*. This needs to be in line with:

    • the organisation’s policies* and procedures*
    • contemporary, evidence-based practice*
    • workers’ roles and responsibilities*.

    Make sure workers understand:

    • their role in the quality system*
    • how to use the system* to tailor and improve care and services for older people.

    The guidance for Outcomes 2.8 and 2.9 has more information about workforce* planning and human resource management.

    Monitor how well you use your quality system*.

    Regularly* review your quality system* to make sure it works well. Look for ways to improve the system*.

    To check if your quality system* works well, you can review:

    • older people’s care and service documents (Outcome 3.1). For example, care and services plan*s and progress notes. This makes sure care and services meet the needs and preferences of the older person.
    • complaint*s and feedback* (Outcome 2.6)
    • risk and incident* information (Outcomes 2.4 and 2.5)
    • Quality Indicator data
    • worker* performance and how well they’re using the quality system*. You can do this through quality assurance and system* reviews (Outcome 2.9).
    • policies* and procedures*.

    Also, talk with older people, their families and carers about the care and services they receive (Outcome 2.1). For example, ask the older person if any issues they’ve raised have been recognised and addressed. These conversations can then inform continuous improvement* actions and planning (Outcome 2.1).

    Analyse the service’s quality data to:

    • identify organisation-wide issues that need resolving. To help with this, it’s useful to compare actual performance against expected practice. If actual performance falls short of planning targets, you may need to act. This may include asking for additional investment from the governing body*.
    • identify and resolve any issues that aren’t organisation-wide. For example, if a particular worker* or older person needs more targeted support.

    If you find any issues or ways you can improve your quality and safety culture*, you need to report them. This way, issues are addressed promptly. Report this information to the governing body* and the Quality Advisory Committee.