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Last updated - Version 0.2

This document was updated on 31 January 2025. Learn what has changed.

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?

The provider* understands and manages its workforce* needs and plans for the future.



 The provider implements a workforce strategy to:

  • Identify, record and monitor the number and mix of workers required and engaged to manage and deliver quality care and services
  • Meet minimum care requirements and engage with workers on how planning and rostering will achieve these requirements
  • Identify the skills, qualifications and competencies required for each role
  • Engage suitably qualified and competent workers
  • Use direct employment to engage workers whenever possible, and minimise the use of independent contractors
  • Mitigate the risk and impact of workforce shortages and worker absences or vacancies

The provider implements strategies for supporting and maintaining a satisfied and psychologically safe workforce.

Why is this Outcome important

Why is this outcome important?

Outcome 2.8 explains providers’ obligations to have a workforce* strategy that makes sure there are enough qualified workers with the right skills to deliver quality and safe care and services. Providers must assess the skills, qualifications and competencies workers need to perform their role and meet older people’s needs. You also need to have strategies to be ready for possible workforce shortages, absences or vacancies. Your workforce* strategy should include information about your:

  • workforce*
  • specific working needs
  • plans for the future.

This can help you to mitigate risks and make sure you provide continuity of care and services. It also helps you maintain the best mix of skilled workers.

Outcome 2.8 highlights how important psychological safety* is to create a satisfied and engaged workforce*. A healthy workplace culture where workers feel safe to raise concerns, can help providers reduce staff turnover and improve workforce retention. It’s important for providers to identify worker risks, both psychological and physical. Addressing these risks can help workers to feel psychologically safe* and supported to perform their role and deliver quality care* and services.

You need to give focus to:

  • putting in place a workforce* strategy
  • supporting and maintaining a satisfied and psychologically safe* workforce*.

Key tasks


    Put in place a workforce* strategy.

    To develop an effective workforce* strategy, make sure you understand and assess the needs of older people receiving care and the business. This will help you make sure there are enough workers and a good mix of qualified workers to provide safe and quality care* and services.

    Make sure your workforce* strategy includes processes* to:

    • identify the skills, qualifications and competencies your workers need to deliver safe and quality care* and services. Make sure these relate to what older people receiving care need and want. It’s important to understand older people’s clinical needs (Outcome 5.4). This includes the supports they need to eat and drink safely (Outcome 6.4). Workers’ skills and competencies must meet these needs.
    • screen and hire suitably qualified and competent workers. Potential candidates should only be hired if you can confirm they can deliver quality and safe care and services. You can assess this through a pre-employment validation process* as part of your human resources management system* (Outcome 2.9). These can include background checks, processes* to confirm education, qualifications (relevant to their role) and employment history, reference checks, and competency and skill-based tests. Review any history of complaints*, incidents* or other feedback* relating to the worker to understand if there are any issues in their ability to deliver tailored care for each older person. If you find any issues through your reviews and assessments, assess if you can fill a candidate's gaps in skills with training (Outcome 2.9). However, these processes* do not apply to any workers listed on the Aged Care Banning Orders Register, as they must not be hired regardless of their competencies.
    • identify the number and mix of skilled workers you need to provide the care and services that meets the older people’s needs (Outcome 2.8). To do this, consider:
      • the number of older people you’re caring for
      • the specific needs of the people under your care. This includes their clinical needs (Outcome 5.4). It also includes their emotional, spiritual, cultural and psychological needs (Outcome 1.1).
      • the number and mix of current workers along with the skills and services they can deliver.
    • support diverse workers. For example, sexual and gender diverse, culturally and linguistically diverse, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workers.
    • review rostering processes*. Make sure these processes* support flexible working for directly employed staff.

    Make sure enough workers are available at times when older people need more support. For example, during mornings, bedtime and mealtimes. Also, try to maximise worker* continuity (Outcome 3.2). Follow processes to:

    • meet the requirements of your 24/7 registered nurse and care minutes responsibilities. This is a legislative requirement for residential care providers.
    • mitigate the risk and impact of workforce* shortages, absences or vacancies. Make sure:
      • you maintain relationships with aged care hiring agencies and labour hires
      • staffing needs are met on an ongoing basis. This is important when preparing for busy periods
      • consider the use of digital platforms to meet workforce needs.
    • use direct employment where possible and minimise the use of contractors such as agency staff. This can help continuity of care. Only use contractors when staff who are directly employed are not available. If you need contractors, aim to roster the same contractors for the older person unless the older person has asked not to. Complete competency checks in line with your policies* and procedures*. Properly induct and monitor the contractor (Outcome 2.9).

    Document your workforce* strategy. Have key initiatives to make sure you meet workforce* needs. How you document this needs to be based on how complex the organisation is and its context. For example, some organisations can build these processes* into risk management systems* (Outcome 2.4) and rostering processes*. More complex organisations may need to build this into strategic business planning (Outcome 2.1).

    Put in place strategies that promote a healthy and safe workforce*.

    When developing these strategies, consider:

    • feedback* mechanisms, such as worker surveys
    • worker health and safety risks that you’ve identified through your risk management system* (Outcome 2.4).

    To find these risks, analyse the incidents* recorded in your risk management system* (Outcomes 2.4 and 2.5). Make sure these strategies outline how you will support a healthy and safe workforce*. You can do this by completing risk assessments in situations that can cause harm to workers, such as new home environments or traumatic events.

    Use risk assessments to understand:

    • workers’ physical and psychological risks
    • how to manage these risks on a case-by-case basis (Outcome 2.4).

    Make sure you:

    • put in place processes* to identify and support workers in distress. For example, if they’re experiencing fatigue, bullying or harassment (Outcome 2.2).
    • complete regular checks to identify any new risks in the service environment* (Outcome 4.1b). For example, risks of slips and trips. Make sure you manage these risks well.
    • provide workers with guidance and training on how to respond to traumatic and emergency events and any other hazardous situations. Make sure training helps workers to manage their own health and the health of people receiving care. Make sure training meets the needs of workers (Outcome 2.9).
    • match training needs to the type of service. For example, training in home care could include how to do manual tasks safely when assisting with personal care, cooking or cleaning. Make sure workers know their responsibilities* to identify and report any concerns they have to the provider. The guidance for Outcomes 2.4 and 2.5 has more information on managing risks and incidents in home care.
    • put in place incentives for workers to promote a safe working environment. For example, recognise quality and safe work that meets the needs of older people and workers. This can also help to make sure workers are satisfied in their role and receive the support they need. This can help minimise stuff turnover.
    • put in place Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for health and safety. Include these KPIs in strategic business planning (Outcome 2.1) and performance reporting (Outcome 2.3).

    Document these strategies. Include your key initiatives for making sure you meet your workers’ health and safety needs. How you document these strategies should be based on how complex the organisation is and its context. For example, some organisations can build these processes* into risk management systems* (Outcome 2.4) and workforce* planning processes* (Outcome 2.8). More complex organisations may need to build this into strategic business planning (Outcome 2.1).

    Monitor how well the workforce* strategy is working.

    Regularly* review your workforce* strategy to make sure it works well. Look for ways to improve the workforce strategy.

    To check if your workforce* strategy is working well, you can review:

    • older people’s care and service documents (Outcome 3.1)
    • complaint*s and feedback* (Outcome 2.6)
    • incident* information (Outcome 2.5).

    Assess your workers’:

    • qualifications, skills and competencies
    • performance. You can do this through quality assurance and system* reviews (Outcome 2.9).

    This needs to be a key part of how you evaluate quality and care outcomes (Outcome 2.3).

    If you find any issues or ways you can improve through your reviews and assessments, you need to address them. If things go wrong, be open about it. Share what went wrong with workers, older people, their family and carers (Outcome 2.3). Put in place strategies to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again.

    The guidance on Outcome 2.3 has more information on monitoring the quality system*.

    Monitor that the workforce* is healthy and safe.

    Regularly* review your workforce strategies to promote a healthy and safe workforce*. Look for ways to improve your strategies.

    To check if your workforce* is healthy and safe, you can:

    • ask workers if they feel supported to be healthy and safe. This includes any resources or processes* they can use to support their health and safety.
    • analyse risk (Outcome 2.4), incident* (Outcome 2.5) and feedback* and complaint* s (Outcome 2.6) data to see if any issues are recurring. If this is the case, take action in a timely* manner to reduce or prevent these issues from happening in the future.
    • complete assessments or checks to make sure workers are delivering care and services that are safe for older people, themselves and their coworkers (Outcome 2.3). If assessments identify any issues or concerns, take action in a timely* manner to address these. For example:
      • the quality system* may need to be modified
      • workers may need extra training so they understand how to perform their role safely.

    Report your findings to the governing body* (Outcome 2.3).