What is the outcome that needs to be achieved?
The care and services need of older people are met by workers who are skilled and competent in their role, hold relevant qualifications and who have relevant expertise and experience to provide quality care* and services. Workers are provided with training and supervision to effectively perform their role.
The provider maintains records of worker pre-employment checks, contact details, qualifications, and experience.
The provider deploys the number and mix of workers to enable the delivery and management of quality care and services.
Workers have access to supervision, support and resources.
The provider maintains and implements a training system that:
- includes training strategies to make sure that workers have the necessary skills, qualifications and competencies to effectively perform their role
- draws on the experience of older people to inform training strategies
- is responsive to feedback, complaints, incidents, identified risks and the outcomes of regular worker performance reviews.
The provider regularly reviews and improves the effectiveness of the training system.
All workers regularly receive competency-based training in relation to core matters, at a minimum:
- the delivery of person-centred, rights-based care
- culturally safe, trauma aware and healing informed care
- caring for people living with dementia
- responding to medical emergencies
- the requirements of the Code of Conduct, the Serious Incident Response Scheme, the Quality Standards and other requirements relevant to the workers' role.
The provider undertakes regular assessment, monitoring and review of the performance of workers.
Why is this outcome important?
Outcome 2.9 explains providers’ obligations to make sure workers are skilled, competent and supported to deliver quality and safe care and services that meet older people’s needs. Providers must have processes* for human resource management that confirm a worker’s qualifications, experience, skills and if they’re suitable for the role before you hire them.
Outcome 2.9 highlights how important competency-based training is to maintain safe and quality care* and services. Providers should have a comprehensive training system*. This system* must adapt to the changing needs of the service and make sure workers are well prepared to do their roles. There should at least be training on core matters such as:
- person-centred care*
- caring for people living with dementia*
- responding to medical emergencies
- culturally safe* , trauma aware and healing informed care*
- what is required by the Code of Conduct for Aged Care, the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) and the Quality Standards.
Providers need to do regular competency assessments and performance reviews. This makes sure workers have the skills they need to deliver safe and quality care* and services. Reviewing how effective the training system* is, helps you to support your overall quality system* and drive continuous improvement* in how you deliver care and services.
You need to give focus to:
- providing workers with access to supervision and resources
- using a training system* that:
- uses the experience of older people
- is based on input from a range of areas, such as feedback*, complaints*, risks and regular worker performance reviews
- regular reviews and continuous improvement* of the training system*
- competency-based training for workers.
Key tasks
Put in place a human resources management system*.
Put in place a pre-employment validation process*. This checks that the information job applicants give you about their qualifications, skills and experience are accurate. Include:
- background checks
- processes* to verify education and qualifications
- processes* to confirm employment history
- reference checks
- competency assessments.
This helps make sure that potential workers have the right skills and experience to provide safe and quality care* and services (Outcome 2.2). It can also confirm if your organisation’s training system* can update the person’s skills if needed.
Store this information in line with your information management system* (Outcome 2.7). Make sure you store all the information from applicants accurately. That means documents you receive from applicants matches their profile.
Put in place strategies to roster workers for quality and safe care and services.
Rostering needs to be informed by the organisation’s workforce* strategy (Outcome 2.8).
When rostering, make sure you:
- consider the skills, number and mix of workers you need to deliver safe and quality care* and services. Make sure enough workers are available when older people need more support. For example, during mornings, bedtime and mealtimes. This could also include when responding to high risk or complex situations. For example, when an older person shows signs of deterioration* or changed behaviours* (Outcome 5.4).
- assign an appropriate number and mix of workers to specific shifts and tasks. Base this on workers’ skills, qualifications and competencies.
- consider worker* continuity. This supports a person’s continuity of care (Outcome 3.4). Use direct employment where possible and try to minimise the use of contractors such as agency staff. You can also try to offer shifts to staff who are directly employed first. If you need contractors, aim to roster the same contractors for the older person, unless the older person has asked not to. Complete competency checks for contractors in line with your policies* and procedures*. Properly induct and monitor the contractor.
Make sure rostering supports the delivery of quality and safe care and services at all times. Care and services need to be centred on the needs and preferences of older people (Outcome 3.2). Where possible, include the older person’s input when choosing their worker.
Provide workers with adequate and appropriate supervision, support and resources. This includes guidance and training on how to provide quality and safe care.
Monitor and report Quality Indicator data about the turnover of your workers and the reasons for their departure.
Put in place a training system*.
Develop your training system* in consultation with workers and older people. This can include:
- regularly* analysing training needs. List the skills needed for each role and what training can build these skills. Make sure training is based on contemporary, evidence-based practice*. Make sure training also meets the organisation’s scope of services and the diversity* of older people. It’s important to conduct training to fill any competency gaps identified during:
- hiring activities (Outcome 2.8)
- broader performance monitoring (Outcome 2.3)
- assessment of the organisation’s quality and safety culture* (Outcome 2.2).
- putting in place training strategies and a ‘training matrix’ (or equivalent) which lists:
- all worker* role types. For example, care worker*, chef, cleaner and administration roles.
- the training needed for each role type, to help workers perform that role.
- delivering training in line with any identified training needs. This may include training on how workers can:
- deliver person-centred*, rights-based care
- provide culturally safe*, trauma aware and healing informed care*
- care for people living with dementia*
- provide palliative and end-of-life care*
- respond to medical emergencies
- meet the requirements of the Code of Conduct for Aged Care
- meet the requirements of the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)
- meet the requirements of the Quality Standards
- meet other requirements relevant to their role. For example, an understanding of Infection Prevention and Control*, relevant to their role. This includes training for Infection Prevention and Control Leads*. This also includes specific training for people who have a formal role in an emergency, such as fire wardens and first aiders (Outcome 2.10).
- reviewing workers’ skills and understanding. After training, include processes* to check that workers’ have the right skills and capabilities for their role. This can include competency evaluations and quality assurance. This can also include tracking who has completed training.
Make sure that workers can provide quality and safe care for each older person. Make sure training strategies consider the diversity of your workforce* (Outcome 2.8). For example, provide workers with the support they need to take part in and complete training.
Keep training records for all workers, including contractors. This includes records that show they have completed training and the competency they need to perform their role. Record this information in line with the organisation’s information management system* (Outcome 2.7). You can put in place a system* to track workers' licenses and registrations that alerts you when they are about to expire. Make sure workers and others understand the policies* and procedures* relevant to their role (Outcome 2.7).
Make sure the training system* is relevant for and accessible to contractors and employees.
Put in place strategies to regularly* assess, monitor and review the performance of workers.
Make sure workers are providing quality and safe care and services. Strategies to monitor workers’ performance can include:
- developing and monitoring performance measures. The performance measures of a worker* will depend on their role and responsibilities*. For example, positive feedback* from older people for carers and hiring targets for administrative workers.
- completing regular performance reviews to an agreed schedule. Consider all monitored performance measures and feedback*. Workers should have the opportunity to clarify or provide reasons for any feedback* that does not meet their expectations. Make sure performance reviews:
- fairly assess workers based on feedback* provided by older people, other workers, supervisors and people they work with (Outcome 2.6)
- provide workers with support in areas identified for improvement in the training needs analysis. This is part of the training system*.
- encourage workers to deliver quality and safe care and services (Outcome 2.3)
- consider outcomes from the training system*.
- having processes* to assess all performance review outcomes. This can help to work out where you can make improvements. Recognise workers with positive outcomes. Develop improvement plans with workers who need to improve. Do this in partnership with the worker. Make sure improvement plans show how the worker* can provide quality care* and services (Outcome 2.3). Store information about worker* performance using your information management system*. This will make sure it’s accurate, secure and accessible (Outcome 2.7).
Monitor how well your strategies to roster workers for quality and safe care and services are working.
To check if the staff resource needs of the organisation are being met:
- talk with workers, older people, their families and carers
- review older people's care and service documents (Outcome 3.1)
- review complaints*, feedback* and incident* information (Outcomes 2.6 and 2.5)
- make sure skilled workers are available to deliver safe and quality care* and services.
If you find any issues or ways you can improve your rostering address them. If things go wrong, be open about it. Share what went wrong with workers, older people, their family, and carers (Outcome 2.3). Put in place strategies to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again.
Monitor how well you use your training system*.
Regularly* review your training system* to make sure it works well. Look for ways to improve the system*.
To check if workers have the capabilities, supervision, support and resources they need to perform their role, you can review:
- older people’s care and service documents (Outcome 3.1)
- complaints* and feedback* (Outcome 2.6)
- incident* information (Outcome 2.5)
- worker* performance and how they’re using the training system*. You can do this through quality assurance and system* reviews. (Outcome 2.9).
- training records to make sure workers have completed training as needed and in a timely manner
- policies* and procedures*.
Also, talk with:
- workers to see if they feel supported to:
- complete their training
- perform their role well and safely.
- older people, their families and carers about the care and services they receive (Outcome 2.1).
These conversations can help you with continuous improvement* actions and planning (Outcome 2.1).
If you find any issues or ways you can improve through your reviews and assessments, you need to address them. If things go wrong, be open about it. Share what went wrong with workers, older people, their family and carers (Outcome 2.3). Put in place strategies to mitigate the risk of things going wrong again.
The guidance for Outcome 2.3 has more information on monitoring the quality system*.